November 30, 2013

100 Things 2013 & Thanksgiving

In keeping with tradition, here is my list of 100 things that I am grateful for.  Some are big, some are small and they are in no particular order.  I didn't read the lists from prior years, but now that this is done, it will be fun to go back and see how my perspective and life has changed.  Here are the links to the previous year's lists: 2011, 2012.
  1. Mrs. Rachel - heaven sent, seriously
  2. The village that is helping to raise our son
  3. Our little family and our big family
  4. My 801 girls
  5. Watermelon sorbet with fresh fruit on a hot summer night
  6. NPR, especially Story Corp.  
  7. Our armed service members who sacrifice so much for the freedoms that I admittedly take for granted more than I should 
  8. College football
  9. The privilege of being a mom
  10. Visits with friends from near and far
  11. Sound advice and good laughs from other moms
  12. Our BSU Broncos, still love you guys!
  13. Watching a game from the skybox, so exciting for us!
  14. Hot dogs - Grady loves them and  I have found a new love for them as well
  15. Chapstick 
  16. The first morning frost
  17. Hot air balloons and the magic they bring to all
  18. The Piano Guys 
  19. Amazing coworkers who are my friends and my daily support
  20. The Whitfields moving to Boise and that Grady having local cousins
  21. Bubble bath
  22. The Blacklist - you should watch if you can tolerate it
  23. The tradition of birthday streamers and mocking signs in our house
  24. Being able to build our dream backyard
  25. Swim days
  26. Spring flower bulbs
  27. Peonies  - I was jealous of all the pictures I saw this year so planted my first one.  Fingers crossed it actually grows.
  28. Seeing how much Grady's grandparents adore him and how much he adores them
  29. The fun we had at the Sawtooth Relay (and the fact that I survived the race)
  30. Our health
  31. The happy folks at the Starbucks drive through, I always drive away feeling grateful for them and remembering to be kind and joyful
  32. Coffee
  33. The joy of rediscovering children's literature like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlotte's Web, and James and the Giant Peach
  34. Grady's new affinity for YouTube (Baby Einsteins and Elmo's world) and the time it can buy me :)
  35. Morning chats with my sis
  36. Watching my baby grow every single day
  37. Little Gym and our wonderful teacher Mrs. Nicole
  38. The Tokyo Salad from Lucky Fins - highly recommend it
  39. Hot cider on a cold day
  40. Our crazy Bella dog
  41. Aviccii -Wake Me Up When its All Over 
  42. Bacon
  43. Pumpkin patches
  44. Bath time splashes - they are big and boisterous in our house I don't mind that my floor is sopping wet every night
  45. My Christopher - the best father and husband we could ask for 
  46. Two Erickson visits this year!
  47. Zoo Boise
  48. Watching our crazy Bella dog become an expert swimmer this summer
  49. Watching Grady fall in love with Priest Lake like we have
  50. Tolerant, gracious, kind, good listening friends
  51. Christmas lights
  52. Seeing FUN in concert
  53. Seeing Zac Brown Band in concert and going to the Eat and Greet - so cool!
  54. Date nights!  Halleluijia
  55. Hand-me-downs
  56. Little boys in hats
  57. Grady's red baby cheeks, I could kiss them all day long
  58. Costco wired ribbon
  59. King Crab with hot melted butter
  60. Fresh unmarked snow
  61. Our Kuerig
  62. Hearing Grady say a new word for the first time
  63. Mint Oreos dipped in milk
  64. My ailing camera, you have been so good to me little camera
  65. The pure joy of watching Grady smash cake into his face 
  66. Chicago Connection pepperoni and pineapple pizza
  67. The special scoreboard message to Grady at his first Giants Game - what a treat!
  68. Going back to the SCU campus for the wedding of a dear friend
  69. Our trampoline, perfect for our jumping boy!
  70. Lunch dates
  71. Hot breakfast, I cannot name a cold breakfast that I really like
  72. NBC Nightly News
  73. My new mommy magnet board
  74. The Greenbelt
  75. Public parks
  76. Boise's gorgeous autumn season
  77. Perfect strangers who try to entertain a fussy toddler on planes, in stores, etc.  Thank God for you you precious souls.  I wont' comment on the other type of folks.
  78. Free 
  79. Dan Patrick morning radio show
  80. The River 94.9, streaming live
  81. Mountain air
  82. The sound of Quaking Aspens
  83. Sharing a drink in the hot tub with my huz 
  84. Walking down from our house to get breakfast, my idea of a perfect morning
  85. Picasa online photo-backup, without it we would have lost everything this year
  86. The beautiful North Carolina beaches
  87. Mindlessly thumbing through paper catalogs
  88. Good Bye in Her Eyes
  89. My new work bag and the capacity it has to hold more stuff
  90. Randomly finding suckers and the random kid toys in my pockets
  91. Free babysitting from my mom
  92. Sushi
  93. 60 Minutes
  94. Waterproof mascara
  95. Chocolate covered strawberries
  96. Colored athletic socks
  97. The way my Uggs feel when I slip into them for the first time each year
  98. Snowberry scent from Scentsy
  99. Soaking off a tough day in my bathtub
  100. Cuddling with my baby boy in his rocking chair, the one and only time I get to cuddle with him

We had a pretty darn good Thanksgiving too.  I started the morning by taking a picture of our little turkey reminiscing about how Thanksgiving morning two years ago we were happily surprised to find out that Grady was on his way. I love that Thanksgiving will always remind me of that exciting time in our lives and I am so happy that this little man is ours.  We thank God every day for blessing us with the little boy who we know was supposed to be our son.

 We continued the morning with a fun game of flag football and some exploring adventures for Grady in the coolest backyard in town.

Then we stuffed our faces and Grady discovered just how much he loves Jello jigglers.

We headed to McCall where we continued to stuff our faces, enjoy good family time and bring in the Christmas season with the official tree lighting in downtown McCall.

We are thankful.

November 10, 2013

Jumping G

We've been enjoying the last days of no jackets and our jumping bean has used them to perfect his new "feet off the ground" jump on the trampoline.  He has also perfected this skill in his crib, on the couch, and on pretty much anything that will give him a little bounce. 

This so captures our son.

He's also been perfecting his sliding, running, and tether ball skills.  I think our baby is officially gone and our little boy is here!

November 2, 2013


This year our little Gradyman was a Gradysaurus for Halloween.   I took some costume pictures the weekend before Halloween and I think I will have to remember to do that every year, because I didn't take a single picture on the actual day of Halloween.  We participated in Boo at the Zoo and we lasted in the huge crowds about as long as it takes to pet the goats and then headed over the adjacent park for some crowd-free play and pictures.  Even though Grady's costume took on the flavor of an alien from some perspectives, I still thought he was the cutest dino out there.

The actual day of Halloween 2013 didn't live up to all my expectations.  The day of Halloween was met with work projects that demanded more time than we'd like, a cranky dinosaur, a broken camera, and just one too many things that shouted in our face, "just surrender all those hopes and dreams of a festive Halloween night and move on."  So we did.  Next year I vow to lower expectations and plan a much lower key day.   Happy Halloween! :)

In other news we've been on the hunt for red October with walks by the river and watching our maples show off from our own house.  October is hands down the prettiest month in the city of trees.

Chris may not have the same fondness that I do for October.

Cozy little walk by the river with the gang. . . . .

Two kids were great on this walk, one made it very clear to his parents that he is not ready to give up his morning nap.

We also made time for some hasty pumpkin carving.  Grady was obsessed with the actual carving process and refused to walk around the house insisting instead to sit on the island and watch the pumpkins come to life.  Next year, I think I will have to up the pumpkin carving ante based on the awesome designs we saw from others. 

Happy end of October, from our gang to yours. 

(PS - we learned this week that Bella may be benefitting a ltitle too much from cleaning up after Grady.  She gained 10 pounds this year!)