November 21, 2014

Let it Snow Snow Snow

This year winter hit us early and hit us hard.  Temperatures have been in the single digits and we've broken records for the record low temperatures.  The good news is that we had a big snow storm roll through and the snow hasn't left ever since.  It has provided hours of joy for Grady and made our yard look like a winter wonderland.  It has been so fun to play with him and then come in for some hot apple cider (on ice as requested by Grady).  Grady loves the snow so much that it temporarily turns him into the nicest, most polite boy.  He just keeps telling us, "thank you for putting my boots on mommy.... thank you for playing in the snow mommy.... thank you for fixing my glove mommy.... mommy, you look cute in your hat."  I wish there was always snow to play in or that we could bring it into our house to enjoy this politeness inducing effect!  Graham has been a trooper, either napping during playtime or hanging out in his carseat buried in blankets.  He is the perfect little brother.

We were not sure how much it was going to snow so once there was enough to play in we headed out not knowing that much more was to  come!

Tractors and snow, what could be better!

Time to upgrade to a real sled this year!

OK, perhaps jumping on the tramp is better than than the tractors.

This kid loves putting his snow stuff on, thank goodness.  It is quite the process so I am glad he at least likes it.  He puts his boots on over his jammies and regularly requests to go play in the snow.

It gets dark around 5:30 or so now.  So on the big snowstorm day by the time Chris was able to make it home from work, there wasn't much daylight to play in the snow with his buddy.  We had dinner and started Grady's bath and we were about 20 minutes away from bedtime when Chris looked at me and said, I really want to take him outside with me to go shovel and play.  I said go for it.  So back on went all the jackets, hats, and mittens and out the door the big boys went.  Grady had the time of his life shoveling with daddy (and I am pretty sure the same was true for Chris).   Grady "converted" his lawnmower into a snowblower and loved helping daddy out.  After about an hour I went out and said they should probably come in and get ready for bed.  I reheated the bath and expected them to come in minutes later.  When they didn't I went back out and found Chris pulling Grady in his sled around the culdesac with giggles echoing all around.  These are the times, these are the memories, this is the fun that makes it all worth it. 

Chris crouched to get down on Grady's level for a picture and each time Grady kept crouching right along with him, he wants to be just like his daddy.

Perhaps THE best hat hair I have ever seen!

These boys also made some more special memories "swimming in the snow".  Again, they would have stayed out there forever if they could have.

November 16, 2014

Papa Comes to Town

We were very lucky that Papa made a quick (less than twelve hour) trip to town to come meet Graham, spend some time with the other grandkids, and experience the chaos that can occur when two rambunctious two-year olds get together.  Graham was given the middle name of Eric in honor of his Papa so it was particularly wonderful to see these two together. Papa still has the touch, putting this little boy to sleep within minutes of taking him.  They cuddled on the couch like this for about an hour.

Grady loves his papa and after he learned that Papa drove combines he just wanted to hear more and more about the tractors, "Papa talk about the combine more."  Poor Papa spent 20 minutes thinking of everything he could about combines.  Today at breakfast, Grady asked Chris to talk about combines. Chris lasted about 30 seconds.

Papa and his boys while Sophie was at school.  Poor Sophie is going to have her work cut out for her keeping these boys in line. This series of photos perfectly captures just how hard it is to get pictures of these boys.   It is pretty much impossible.

I can hear him saying "jeeze guys" through his laughter just by looking at this picture.

The best we got, with a lot of work. . . 

We love you Papa, thanks for coming to visit and meet Graham!

November 2, 2014

A Very Happy Halloween

Uncle Doug photo credit and first place finish in the photo competition! 

Halloween was a huge hit this year in the Johnson household.  I feel like this holiday may just be meant for two year olds.  Seeing Grady's excitement at every step of the way absolutely filled my heart with joy. 

First up was carving pumpkins.  I cut around the edges of the pumpkin and invited Grady over to pull the tops off.  He was so proud and excited. He also did a pretty good job scooping out the guts.  But the best was his amazement when I showed him how the magic pumpkins glowed in the bathroom when we turned the lights off. 

Do you think someone is a little excited?!!

Two little pumpkins for my two little pumpkins. 

 I cannot get enough of his sweet little face. Thanks Stacy for the adorable jammies. 

Then it was time to dawn the costumes.  I bought these about two months ago because I knew I wouldn't have the time or energy to worry about Halloween at the end of my pregnancy or once Graham arrived.  Grady is obsessed with tractors and specifically John Deere tractors so he was more than happy to wear his costume and pose for some pictures with his little baby corn brother. 

These boys just warm my heart.  I still cannot believe that they are both mine. 

Cutest baby corn I've ever seen if you ask me.

Then we were off to meet the cousins for some trick or treating.  These pictures really capture what family is all about.  Seeing these three go from house to house giggling and shrieking with excitement was just about the cutest thing I ever seen. With each new piece of candy dropped in his pumpkin, Grady's exploded with excitement.  He'd come running back holding up a piece of candy saying, "Look mommy, I got an orange candy. . . my pumpkin is getting full, it is heavy...  we're going to get moooooore candy, not going home yet."  The kids made a large loop around the neighborhood and did better than I ever could have imagined.  Graham chilled in his stroller and was the perfect little baby. We couldn't have asked for a better night of trick or treating.

We went back the Whitfields and let the kids examine their loot, sample their favorites and play for a bit.  Graham woke up and joined the party at this point in just enough time for Sophie to get her fill. She loves her baby cousin in the sweetest way.

My chocolate boy, he is MY son for sure. 

Look at these sweethearts!

And in the category of most hilarious picture of the night, it is Uncle Doug again.  Cam suggested that Graham try on a pair of these glasses.  We put them on and all started cracking up and Doug snapped this picture. Don't worry Graham, we'll save this one for your wedding slideshow.

And the grand finale was a Halloween feast at my dad and Robin's complete with a pumpkin spewing dry ice fog, which was about the coolest thing Grady has ever seen. 

It was a very happy and magical Halloween indeed.