October 31, 2010


Since we don't have any cute little kiddos to post Halloween pictures of, our fuzzy Muppet Bella will have to do.  This year I thought that I would get a little more artsy with my pumpkin.  My artistic endeavor ended when my pumpkin carving knife broke  mid-owl.  In case you cannot tell, my pumpkin is an owl sitting on a branch. Maybe I should just stick with the goofy faces. Happy Halloween!

I had to post this because of cute little Bella peeking out the window.

October 24, 2010

Autumn is officially here.

Quite fittingly, my friend had a baby last week and named her Autumn Grace.  It is the perfect name because Autumn has officially burst onto the scene in a beautiful way.  We got back from the wedding and it was like fall had taken over Boise.  This week I found myself taking the longer country road into work so that I could have a few extra moments enjoying the colors around us. When Chris and I carpool, I point out a tree with beautiful colors to him about every thirty seconds.  I am sure that he finds this a little annoying as it is hard to hold a conversation when I am always making him look at trees, but he has been known to point a tree or two out himself lately.  It has been a long time since I have been in a city with true fall colors and I am loving it. I had full intentions of going to some of the parks to capture the colors, but ended up just snapping some pictures around our house.

Our front yard trio of orange, yellow and red.

We even get to enjoy the fall colors from our dining room table.
The other signs of fall are frost on the grass in the morning, pumpkins on the porch, football dominating our television (except when the Giants are playing), wearing my Uggs in the mornings to walk Bella, planting tulip and daffodil  bulbs around the garden, and enjoying a hot apple cider by the fire at night. I never really thought that I liked fall all that much, but I am finding it really refreshing this year. I am sure that when it rains for two weeks straight I will feel differently, but for now am I feel like fall has revived me. Happy fall to all of you!

We'd also like to give a shout out the San Francisco Giants and Becko/Becks, we were driving home from an event last night and were screaming in the car when they clenched the win!  Just one more reason that this fall is so great.
Go Giants!

October 20, 2010

Mohnacky Wedding

Congratulations to our good friends Dina and Mark who got hitched this weekend! We had a great trip down to the Central Coast of California for the wedding. They were married in San Louis Obispo and the reception was in Pismo Beach. This was the first time visiting both of those towns for us and they were both adorably quaint little places. The wedding festivities were amazing with no detail left unnoticed. Dina was gorgeous, the mission at San Luis Obsipo was the perfect church, and the bride and groom danced the night away at a fabulously fun reception. We ate like royalty the whole weekend as the bride and groom treated everyone to an awesome Italian dinner the night before the wedding, wonderful food at the reception cooked right there on site, snacks on a terrace following the reception, and breakfast burritos the next day. I know it seems a bit strange to talk about food for a wedding, but it really was over the top and a wonderful treat.  It was so much fun for us to be able to reunite with our California friends for the wedding.  We miss them all so much so it was especially nice for us to be able to get a whole weekend with so many of them.

The happy couple.

Could these girls get any prettier!

A lot of the Cali crew.
To top off the wedding, the Giants win! 
Chris and I managed to go the whole weekend without getting a good picture of the two of us, but I stole some pictures of the wedding festivities from our friends for this post (thanks friends).

See, I do have good picture taking friends who sent me some pics after this post.  Here we are together, both representing the Giants in our orange.

October 14, 2010

Got a Couple of Minutes? Wanna go Fishin?

We had some great times fishing in California, but it was always such a production to go.  We'd wake up super early, pack the car up, deal with the dog, drive for 2-4 hours and then finally get to fish.  It was such a nice change of events when Chris told me on Sunday morning that he wanted to go fishing and we could just fit it in.  We had about a two hour window in the afternoon when we could go and it worked out great.  Driving two minutes to the river is a heck of a lot better than two hours!  I kind of lost my gusto for fishing since I never catch anything, but this time I hooked a huge rainbow trout.  Note that I said "hooked" and not "caught." Because I never get any bites, I am not the best fish realer inner.  I lost the guy and it made me mad (but not before Chris saw him to verify my story), but the good thing is that I am excited about fishing again.  A beautiful 80 degree October day didn't hurt the cause either.  I am willing to bet that I catch the first fish here in Boise before that fisherman husband of mine does, I am feeling lucky.  Now the race is on.