May 11, 2014

Grady 1.75

We are just about  three months away from Grady's second birthday and I cannot believe how quickly this is all going by. Grady is at the best age.  He is a chatty, silly, animated, articulate, perceptive, strong-willed, loving little boy. 

Grady tid bits at 1.75. 
  • Grady weighs in at 25 pounds.  While we didn't have to do a Dr. apt. this time around, I'd guess he is on the taller side, but not off the charts.  He still cannot keep up normal elastic wasteband sweatpants. 
  • He is a good eater and often steals food from his cousins or friends plates when they leave the table.  
  • While we weren't sure if we had a blondie or a strawberry blondie for the longest time, after almost two years  Grady finally has enough hair that we know he is a towhead blondie just like his mommy and daddy were.  
  • His  conversational skills have just taken off on a new level.  He likes to talk on the phone and has something to say about pretty much everything (he is my mother's grandchild after all).  He narrates our every movement throughout the day "Mommy showering, mommy all done showering, mommy has wet hair, daddy ironing, daddy all done ironing, daddy putting on new shirt...." you get the point. 
  • He  strings long thoughts together on his own regularly like "No lambs this morning. Lambs all gone. Maybe see lambs tomorrow? Yah, see lambs tomorrow" said while looking out his window in the morning. 
  • He is obsessed with logos on shirts, socks and pants.  He examines Chris's shirt every day to see if it has an elephant on it (the Banana Republic logo). "Elephant, Yah" or "No Elephant" is usually one of the first give words out of his mouth when Chris goes in to wake him up.   He also has Nike Swoosh, Under Armour, and Kitty Cat (Puma) down.  
  • He also recognizes certain shirts, when I put on my Santa Clara sweatshirt, he'll point and say "Santa Clara" even if he hasn't seen it weeks.  His ability to recall things really throws me off sometimes. 
  • He thinks if he puts "Please!" with emphasis after any word that it means he gets what he wants. 
  • When I am trying to get him to say something, he often thinks I am trying to get him to say please.  He had a tiger hooded towel on and was roaring repeatedly at himself in the mirror and it was adorable. We went to show daddy and Grady froze so I asked him, what do you say and he stood in his tiger towel, looked up at me and said "please?".   He also says please if you ask him what to say after he burps.  Silly boy.
  • He's got jokes.   We took him to Red Robin the other day and when we were getting him ready for bed we asked him where we went for dinner, he replied "Orange Robin"  and Chris joked back no "Red Robin" and then Grady replied "Blue Robin" it went on and on with lots of giggles until Grady finally made his way back to Red Robin.
  • The most funny thing that he does is when you take his clothes off for bath and he has a soggy diaper, he stands there and shakes his hips so his diaper swings back and forth and he says "wiggle wiggle wiggle."  It is not as funny in writing as I swear it is in person.  Cutest thing you've ever seen.
  • He knows most colors with the exception of yellow.  His favorite color is orange. 
  • He can count to 10 on his own. 
  • He thinks he can say the alphabet, but it goes like this. A..C...D...G...R...Y.  The letters B and E are  nonexistent and the alphabet has a funny way of melding itself into how he thinks his name is spelled.
  • He calls Rock-A- Bye- Baby "rocker baby",  jellybeans "jellybeanahs", and fox a bad word that rhymes with muck. 
  • He is turning into a ladies man and decided to give a little girl an unsolicited kiss on the lips at Little Gym, she obliged and I cracked up.
  • He is obsessed with "Miss Na-Cole" (Nicole), his teacher at Little Gym and talks about her all the time at home. 
  • Instead of saying that he loves someone or that someone is his friend he'll say "No hit Miss Na-Cole" or "No hit Mommy" or just  plain "No hit people".  I'm not quite sure how I feel about this one. 
  • Every night after dinner he asks to "watch news with Bian William" (Brian Williams), a quirky little kid like his momma already.
  • Some phrases which are often heard in our house that I don't love are: "Grady do it", "Hab it"(have it), "Uh-oh, happened?" (Uh-oh what happened?), and "hold you" said while clinging to our legs with tears.  Although it is quite adorable how he uses the word you to mean me/I. 
  • When we find him somewhere he is not supposed to be, he looks at us and ask us "What you doing in here?".
  • He still loves jumping and the water.  Now that the weather is nice he gets to combine his two loves with jumping on the trampoline with a sprinkler. 
  • He is obsessed with sound effects.  He can and does emulate planes, helicopters, vacuums, sprinklers, lawn mower, lawn blower (different than lawn mower), edger, trucks, washing machine and pretty much anything that makes a noise.
  • There is no place he'd rather be than outside and bringing him in is areal pain sometimes. 
  • He sleeps in a jungle.  He's got a lot of friends including stuffed bears, monkeys, moose, frog,  and a lamb who live in his crib.  We try to nonchalantly remove an animal at a time which results in screams of "want monkey, hab it, please!" and lots of tears. 
  • When he puts his sunglasses on he runs to the mirror and looks at himself and announces "cool dude".  He is one cool dude and one cool kid.  He fills our life with joy and laughter every day! 
Here are some pics from the past couple of months that I think show our Grady's personality.   They are all from my phone so please excuse the quality.

He loves any slide anytime anywhere. 

He is a climber and can make his way up just about anything that I can make it up. 

"Want to smash more pine cones, please!"

He looks like such a big boy to me here. 

Oh happy days. 

We found a big frog behind our pool bin.  He spent 25 minutes "seeing more froggy" and the froggy didn't move an inch during that whole time. 

Dinners outside are the best. 

Silly boy loves sitting on the coffee table and also like jumping or dead falling from the table to the couch, we discourage the latter. 

Loves helping mommy pick out flowers. 

This epitomizes our funny little boy.  The picture was from a couple months ago and looking at it now, I cannot believe how fast he has grown up!

A close second to playing outside might be "driving golf cart".  We could probably leave him here for an hour. 


"No ripping flowers"

Morning ritual "Open window please, sit way up high. Mommy sit right here."

"Cool dude"

Yup, nothing better than the batter. 

Celebrating Saint Patrick's day in spirit with Kayla (our wonderful new nanny). 

Celebrating Cinco De Mayo in spirit with Kayla.


  1. "He knows most colors with the exception of yellow. His favorite color is orange."
    WAY TO GO GRADY! A boy after my own (orange)heart, even if he doesn't seem to like the first two letters of my name :) Great update Gork.

  2. What an adorable, smart, growing boy. Just loved this post - can't wait to see this little guy again:)
