May 30, 2011

The Kehrlis Take on Boise

I have often said that the hardest thing about leaving the Bay Area was leaving our friends of a decade long behind.  It is for that reason that weekends like this weekend are so wonderful.  Lynsey and Bob Kehrli made the trek up to Boise for the long weekend and it was so awesome to have them here.  I cannot say that Boise put on its best weather for them, but it did not slow us down too much.  The last time these guys were here with us was when they were in our wedding five years ago. We have shared a ton of great memories together and this weekend was no exception.

The boys golfed on Saturday.

Lynz and I enjoyed the Boise and Eagle Saturday markets, went to the Boise fish market to prepare for the nights feast, and did a little shopping downtown. 
... these two glasses have been separated for far too long :)

We prepared sushi for the first time at home.  This was an adventure in itself.   Our eyes were bigger than our stomachs to say the least. 

We, representing one quarter of the Hood to Coast relay team (plus one awesome puppy), ran seven miles on the Greenbelt. 

We ventured off to a local winery for some tastings.  

After some failed fishing attempts, we purchased live bait from a vending machine at a gas station.  Yes, they seriously sell 6 types of worms from vending machines around here.  Welcome to Idaho Kehrlis.

Chris won the big fish competition.

We enjoyed one meal out in the sun! 
Aside from that, there was a lot of catching up and good laughs.  Lynz even sat through the end of Oprah with me.  There is no better way to end a show based on the bond between girlfriends than to watch it with one of my closest friends. We also visited a total of 6 of Boise and Eagle's best restaurants and of course stuffed ourselves every time.  It was a wonderfully busy and fun weekend.  Thanks for making the trip up here to see our home and experience our hometown with us.  We are lucky to have you guys in our lives! 

May 16, 2011

I Still Love this City

View from my office window

When I drove to work this morning, I was not particularly pleased that is was snowing on the 16th of May.  Then I looked out my window this afternoon at work and I realized that the city looked beautiful.   Although I think it is about time that the sun comes around and stays around, I couldn't help but smile seeing the freshly snowcapped mountains and the green trees below in the city.  I do still love this city in spite of its chilly spring.  

View from my parking spot

May 15, 2011

Hood to Coast, Here I (slowly) Come!

There is no more denying it, we are doing Hood to Coast, the "Mother of All Relays" as it calls itself, and I need to train.  It is too bad that the panic to start training struck me on a rainy Sunday afternoon because I struggled through a painful, slow four miles in the rain.  My running partner fast-walked along side me and made my slow speed even more obvious to the drivers passing by.  But we did it and I will conquer Hood to Coast this August, albeit probably very very slowly. 

May 10, 2011

A Love Note to Bobby

Those of you who know me well know that I have lovingly called my little 1998 Camry Bobby ever since I got her when I was a junior in college. Well, this week is the end of an era as I have said my goodbyes to Bobby. Although I was grateful to have such a reliable little car, I never really thought that I would be sad to be saying goodbye to Bobby, but as folks lined up to buy her it was kind of a bittersweet moment. Bobby was the car that I drove home in when I left the "801 House" after college graduation and bawled my eyes out until I crossed the Nevada line. Bobby was the car that I drove to law school in everyday for three years with my redbull in my cupholder and a fifty pound backpack on the seat next to me. Bobby was the car that I started my career in. Bobby was the car that I got to park at our very first house. Bobby has heard many prayers and many wonderful songs sung by yours truly. She is a car that has been a witness to me growing up and she is a car that will strangely be missed, but not missed enough that I don't enjoy driving to work with heated buns in the new rig.

May 1, 2011

Official in Idaho

Well, I haven't had the opportunity to contribute to our blog for a very long time, (mostly because Ali does such a great job at it), but thankfully I get to boast about my amazing wife this week. 

While Alison was probably still feeling relieved after passing the California Bar Exam which seems like just yesterday, our recent move up to Idaho forced her to take another Bar Exam this last February.  Needless to say, as most people know about Ali, she studied harder than anyone else I've ever seen.  All of her hard work and determination paid off earlier this week when she officially became a licensed Idaho attorney during a swearing-in ceremony in the Capital Building. 

As you can see, my photog abilities are also sub-par compared to hers, but I was able to snap a couple shots.  I couldn't be more proud of her and all that she's done already with her career and am so lucky that our kids will get some of her smart genes.