July 31, 2015


More to come on this big three year old, but I cannot let July slip by without sharing at least a picture of our Grady on his third birthday.  Three was hard for me because I feel like Grady has officially arrived into his boyhood years leaving behind those baby days for good.  We loved celebrating with our boy all week.  On his birthday, he woke up to us singing  happy birthday and he looked at us and said "Is it my birthday? Good, now I can eat cake!"  He is a boy after my own heart. All day he kept looking at us and asking "Is it still my birthday?" and was thrilled when we told him it was his birthday all the way until he went to bed. He enjoyed every last minute of his birthday and so did we. I just cannot believe that he is 3!   We love you more than humanly possible Grady boy and are so proud that you are our son! Happy birthday sweet boy.

July 27, 2015


We jumped into summer headfirst this year and have been enjoying as much time outside as possible. We pretty much live in our backyard on the weekends.  In addition to a lot of swimming and trampoline jumping, we have been trying to get out and do a little exploring now that Grady is old enough to handle short little hikes on his own.  

Weekend mornings are often spent at the park kicking the ball around.  Chris and I both played soccer growing up and it has been fun to see our Grady enjoy the sport too. 

Graham's first swim . . .  he loves the water, no surprise.  He loves it a little too much and tries to continually smash his face into the water despite a "boat" that attempts to prevent this.

First golf date with the Whitfields, so fun. 

"To infinity and beyond!"  Watching this dude jump into the pool with confidence has been so much fun this summer.

A little trip up to McCall on a day where the blue skies could take your breath away. 

This kid, he spreads so much joy all around.

We are getting good at the Graham and mommy selfie. 

They let you get "real" close at the local rodeo!  We braved the heat and enjoyed a night watching real cowboys in their element. 

Porch swings on hot summer days = heaven.

This guy loves being outside and is getting so big so fast.

Summer bug hunting is a new favorite pastime.  "Mom, do you know bees could sting you with their tentacles!" - close buddy, close.  "Mom, do you know roly polies roll up into a ball to protect themselves?" said while chucking a poor little roly poly across the porch, apparently no protection is enough protection from Grady.

Cooling off in the local splash pad at 9:30 in the morning on one of of Boise's 110 degree days.  Totally unplanned and totally fun!

Loved it as a baby, still loves flying "really really high!"

Loving that big G likes to go up "huge mountains" now on little local hikes.  His face looks like a little tomato and he likes to remind us that he is "really sweaty" but he seems to really love it.

This little guy likes to go along for the ride too.  So glad that he is such an easy tag along baby.

 Boise's summer thunderstorms are pretty unbeatable.  Grady likes to listen for "funder" and watch the clouds as they roll in.  Pretty sure there are no cuter storm watchers out there than these two.

At most gatherings with our friends, I look around and wonder, where are all of the girls?  We typically have girls outnumbered by 5 to 1.   When two of my best childhood friends came back to town, quite the opposite was true.  We had 6 adorable little girls and one handsome dude over to play. It is so much fun to watch out kids enjoy each other just the way we did twenty something years ago. 

This boy is in the pool several times a week and has become quite independent with his little floaties in the pool.   He swims all around, jumps from above going completely under the water, searches out his water guns from any corner in the pool, begs to be thrown by Chris over and over again, and just generally soaks up any pool time he can get, which absolutely makes my heart happy.   He has had a handful of swim lessons with Mrs. Darcy this summer and seems to do well with them. Like anything with Grady, there is a bit of convincing to be done but once he thinks it is his idea he'll try just about anything.

These two (yes, both) were having a blast with tandem water gun jumps the other day.   Grady would pop up from the water still shooting his gun, they crack me up.

Nothing better than a sweet treat after a good swim.  And let me tell you, this kid loves his treats!

Graham continues to be an easy going babe.  He loves to be outside, to swim, to play with Bella, and to explore his basket of toys.  We couldn't have asked for a better little brother for our wild and crazy Grady.

Life is not bad when you get to enjoy summer in a beautiful city like this.  I walk into my office every day to see this. I am so thankful to call this place my home and that my kids are going to enjoy many many wonderful summers here just like their mama.  Here is to enjoying the second half of summer and hopefully updating this blog a little more frequently, but no promises there when the draw of summer days outside seems a little too powerful.