June 10, 2013

NC Part 2: Cousin Time

I was so excited to introduce Grady to Tyler and Owen.  We were determined to make it happen before Grady's first birthday.  After 16 hours of travel with a squirmy, active, and sometimes very loud child, we arrived on the doorstep of the Ericksons.  Cute little Tyler and Owen did not disappoint in their love for Grady, who they referred to as either "Grady boy" or "baby Grady" and never just plain old Grady. 

Grady chased the boys all over the house trying to keep up, which may be the reason he took his first steps.  It was just so awesome to have the three of these boys together.  I spent the whole weekend trying to get a picture of the boys smiling.  After probably 50 attempts and some seriously funny outtakes we got the picture above.  It is not perfect, but I will always remember this special weekend with our boys together.  

Owen wanted to hold Grady, but quickly found out that Grady is not really the holding type.

We spent a lot of time playing outside and watching Tyler learn to jump on his Pogo stick, which was an early birthday present from us.  I didn't get a picture of either him or me, but this mamma still has the skills.  It may be the only "athletic" activity that I am better than Chris at.
I can only hope that Grady loves me as much as this boy loves his mom.

We spent an afternoon at the go-cart track and getting some delicious frozen treats at the Fuzzy Peach.

 Owen was finally tall enough to ride in the go-cart!  It is a go!

Grady and Erin looked on as the rest of us tore it up on the track :) 

 We spent another afternoon at Fort Macon, a confederate Civil War post.  It was pretty amazing to see how well preserved this place was. It is surrounded by water on three sides and was beautiful.  The boys had fun exploring and Owen had fun doing cannonballs all across the grounds.  Think "cannonball" like jumping into a pool but instead just jumping up and dropping to the ground in a heap.  He is a little character.

I love my sister so much!

Strong boys. . .

Like real North Carolinans, we stopped for an impromptu lunch on the beach just across from Fort Macon.  Rough life.

The rest of the time was spent hanging out and eating Erin's delicious cooking.  I am sure that Erin's cooking makes Chris think that he married the wrong sister. 

The boys might take after their mom.  They helped prep the most delicious, fresh shrimp that I have ever eaten with backwards, self-dressed pants and all.

Grady may have a new favorite. Uncle Andy could always get a smile. 

 These boys together in the tub was about the cutest thing I have seen.   

Some of the outtakes.

We were so lucky to be able to spend such an amazing weekend with the Erickson clan. Thank you for sharing your wonderful coastal life with us. Now if I can just figure out how to move the state of North Carolina to the West Coast.   

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