May 13, 2015


Spring is here and has been here for quite some time, but I have been too busy out enjoying it to take a minute to write about it.  Spring is gardening with my boys, enjoying my tulips and daffodils, having fresh flower arrangements on our dining room table for two months solid,  having the first campfire of the year, watching Grady devour his first (few) roasted marshmallow ever, hearing the frogs out our window at night, watching the carpet of creeping phlox blanket my flower beds, watching my bigger boys spread multiple loads of bark in the yard with the littlest adorably performing this task by toy dump truck, sitting on a blanket outside with my little one in the sun while the rest of the house enjoys a quite nap, enjoying our first golf of the season, watching those first thunders storms roll in, long walks filled with blooming trees,  watching the wispy clouds roll by from my office window, multiple trips to Home Depot to get flowers and unnecessary gardening accessories, eating outside, celebrating Amma and Bella's birthdays, and exploring new adventures.   I always think of myself as a summer and early fall kind of girl, but I like this spring thing quite a bit and have so enjoyed being outside with the boys again.  

Spring has also been filled with lots of travel for us from Scottsdale, to Walla Walla, to Santa Clara (Chris for work), to Spokane, and Las Vegas (work for me).   I feel like I must note somewhere for posterity sake that I did attend the Michael Jackson One Cirque show and I did love it.


May 8, 2015

Graham: 1/2 year

Happy half birthday buddy!  No I am not crazy enough to buy him half birthday balloons, they were for my mom's birthday which falls 6 months from Graham's birthday.

Official 6 month stats from his Dr. Apt. this week:
Height: 28.13" (91%)
Weight: 18 lbs 3 oz. (55%)
Head Circumference: 48.3 cm. (98%)

He is definitely 6 months old, eating and totally destroying the table liner.

By comparison Grady was 15.5 lbs at 6 months so this guy is substantially bigger.  I have no idea what Grady's height or head circumference was,  See Graham, I missed stuff for your brother too.

How on earth did that happen?  Our little baby is halfway to being 1 year old.  I just looked back at Grady's 6 month post and I think my sentiment is much like it was the first time around.  I love seeing Graham get older and love that he is more interactive now, but I am just a little sad knowing that each day he is the littlest baby of mine that I will ever hold again.  I guess this will still be the case when he is 35, but it is different that he is  likely our last.  He is the caboose, he is the grand finale, he is such a precious and sweet little boy.

Graham Tid Bits:

  • He is such a sweet little boy.  He loves to be held, but rarely demands it.  He is smiley and makes friends with anyone that will make eye contact with him.
  • He looks like he may be my green eyed boy.  I would love to have one green eyed and one blue eyed dude.  His hair is still a little mystery, but is looking more and more blond.
  • He is a good eater and can crush two containers of baby food in a single sitting.
  • He unfortunately also chooses to crush a 9 oz bottle in the middle of the night, every night. 
  • He is a champion at rolling from back to belly and can do it in about half a second of being put down on the floor. His nurse said he rolls really impressively for a "big guy".
  • Rolling the other way, not so much. Many times when he wakes up at night it is because he has flipped himself over and pinned himself up against his crib.
  • He puts everything he can get his hands on in his mouth.  My hair is a frequent favorite little snack.  
  • He is an easy laugh.  If you laugh, he laughs.  He loves being ticked on his neck, his tummy and his chubby thighs.  He thinks his brother is a crack-up.  He is just such a joyful little dude.
  • He loves his little bouncer and can entertain himself in there for a very long time.
  • He still has two little chompers, but every day I swear a new one is coming in on the basis of the sheer volume of drool he produces.
  • He loves to be held standing up. 
  • On soft surfaces, he can sit on his own for tiny little stints.  We are looking forward to when he can really sit and play by himself.  
  • He loves to suck on his feet, which is part of the reason he is an awful sitter.  He is always bending down to try to suck on his feet (gross!).  We often find him with wet socks.  What a quirky little dude.
  • His natural hairstyle is a cute little mohawk.
  • The nicknames for better or worse that seemed to have stuck are Graham pie and Grahammy (thanks to Grady and our sweet nanny). 

We love you sweet Graham Pie!!

Grady left.  Graham right.

Brothers. . . we have been waiting for the time when these guys would interact as brothers and the beginnings of brotherhood are just beginning to emerge.  Grady acknowledges Graham more and more these days and is very sweet with him.  I cannot wait for these two to grow up together!  Lucky lucky boys to have each other.