August 9, 2013

Ericksons Take Two!

I am terribly backblogged again and going to try to catch up in the next two days.  We'll start with a blast from the past from early July when we were lucky enough to see the Ericksons for the second time this summer! They came to Idaho for a record ten days and over those ten days I feel like the boys really broke in the pool.  Tyler is the first kid we've had in the pool that can actually swim and swim he did for hours and hours on end.  Fearless little Owen is turning into quite the fish too who probably took 500 round trips from the shelf in the pool to a parent and back. 

 I hope my Grady loves me as much as these boys love their mama!

Watermelon has become a summer staple in our house. 

Uncle Chris and O, so cute. 

View from the front.

View from the back!

I couldn't resist some more adorable bath pictures.  One brown bear and two not-so-brown bears. 

We had our first fire of the season too!  The boys preferred eating marshmallows right out of the bag, but I still had my fill of the roasted ones.

And any moment I wasn't chasing our Grady around, I spent trying to convince the Ericksons that not moving back to Idaho is not an option.  I miss my my sister, but I loved that our families were lucky enough to get two summer visits this year.  Seeing our boys together is so special.  Love you Ericksons, thanks for coming to visit!

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