December 29, 2014

Growing Graham: 2 month check up

Graham had his two month check up today and there is no doubt he is a growing boy.  Below are his official stats and a few pics of today's visit.  Bottom line, he is a pretty big boy.  He even has a few small rolls to prove it.

Height: 24.63 inches (94%)
Weight: 13 lbs 8 ounces (67%)
Head Circumference: 42.8 cm. (100%)*

* His dot is above the 100% line but they don't track over that - no wonder I had to stuff his head into his baby Santa hat.

By comparison, Graham is bigger than Grady in all areas.  Watch out Grady, your little bro may soon be beating up on you.

  In case you are wondering Chris selected our pediatrician by his decor : )

December 21, 2014

Graham: 2 months!

Our sweet baby Graham is two months old.  Graham is such a sweet and easy baby.  He has fit into our family like a missing little piece.  He was always meant to be ours and we are thankful that is he with us every day.  Since he is very likely our last baby, I get sentimental with each little milestone that passes.  I probably let him nap on me a little too much and probably tear up a little more than I did with Grady.  I am treasuring his little baby days as much as I can. For comparison purposes here is Grady's two month post

Graham Tid-Bits at Two Months:

  • He tips the unofficial scales at a little over 13 pounds.  He has quickly moved into Grady's six month clothes.  Despite their being 3 months apart, Graham is moving into Grady's clothes at the same months that Grady moved into them, which is awesome because I have had to buy very little for Graham despite winter coming much sooner in his little life.
  • Graham is not quite the lean baby that his brother was.  He even sports a few rolls on his thighs to my absolute delight!  He is not a chunker, but he is certainly squishable and has the best little cheeks to kiss.
  • His hair color is still a mystery.  It is definitely darker than Grady's but may be dark blond, light brown, or even a bit red.  When he gets a bath he has the fuzziest little head with his long pieces sticking up in the back and his front pieces in the cutest little  fuzzy buzz-like cut.  I guess he kind of has a bit of a mullet going on. 
  • He has long eyelashes.  I don't know why the boys always get the long ones, but we'll take it.  His eyes are still a mystery too, but look like a deep deep blue for now.
  • Graham doesn't like to stand like his brother did. We can tell he is not going to walk at 10 months like Grady, he is just much too comfortable and content to just cuddle and be held.  He doesn't try to climb up on us and he is not trying to jump.  He may be a lazy baby, but I love having a cuddler.
  • Graham is Mr. Smiles.  While I feel like we had to put on a song and dance routine for Grady to crack a little smile, with Graham you just have to look at him and he'll shoot back the biggest grin.  He smiles ALL.THE.TIME.  He giggles and coos and shows his love in the sweetest little ways.  When he is taking a bottle sometimes I cannot even look at him because he smiles back so widely that milk spills out the sides of his mouth.
  • He is quite ticklish.
  • He hums the sweetest little sound when he is in a deep sleep.  Probably the sweetest sound I have ever heard.
  • He hates tummy time, but still doesn't manage to cry just kind of squawks.
  • Unlike Grady who slept through the night solidly from six weeks on and never looked back, Graham is still up once a night  around 3:30.  He eats and then goes back to sleep quickly so we really cannot complain.  Every five nights or so he also sleeps through the night.  Sleeping through the night so early was Grady's only strong suit as far as being an easy baby in comparison to Mr. Graham.   
  • Graham tries to suck his thumb and gets it in once in a while.  I caught him with thumb in mouth the first time at six weeks.  He usually doesn't have the coordination to get it in there and just continuously smacks himself in the face.
  • He is the most easy going baby.  He'll often times just fall asleep if I leave him on a blanket on the ground while I tend to Grady.  He'll lay on his little pillow and watch the fan for as long as we let him. He likes car rides, likes his carseat and pretty much just goes with the flow throughout our day without a fuss. He is one happy, sweet boy! 
  • He's picked up a few nicknames including G2, Gramster, Graminal, Baby Buddy, Grammers, G-Ram, and Graham pie.  We'll see what sticks.

 We love you sweet baby Graham.

And now for the large photo dump including some pictures from 2 weeks through 2 months since I didn't have my act together to be able to get that post up. 

Grandma Robin continued her tradition of making a beautiful quilt for each grandchild.  I LOVE this quilt, it is adorable and has the cutest cow print on the back.  Thank you Robin! These are pictures from the actual day that Graham turned one month old.

I love this adorable Idaho shirt from Auntie E (obviously given the number of pictures) and decided to take a bunch of "2 month" old pictures in it.


Here is Grady at two months.

 Here is Graham at two months.

Those cheeks!

Happiest little baby.

Thanks for the pic Becko!

The thinker.

I still think a baby in a hat is about the cutest thing ever!

Look at that fuzzy head.

My new favorite pics of Mr. Graham.  The best Christmas gift ever.  Thanks for the cute Christmas jammies Artesia!