June 22, 2013

Sawtooth Relay 2013

For the past 10 plus years my work has run at least one team in the Sawtooth Relay. Our team is traditionally named "Holland & Hart Attack" (I work for Holland & Hart), we are clever bunch, aren't we?  The Sawtooth Relay is a 60 mile relay race in some of Idaho's most scenic terrain.  Racers run the 60 miles from Stanley to Ketchum/Sun Valley, Idaho.  Some run like the wind, others nearly die like me, and all have a great time.  With work being beyond busy this summer, I had about zero time to train so I ran legs 4 and 10 consisting of of 4.4 and 6.1 miles with no training.  I jogged very very slowly, but I didn't quit.   As a result, I am not kidding when I say I nearly died.  It was awesome though and I was just proud that I didn't back out.

The team also traditionally wears shirts with the firm's logo changed into a map of the course. I told you that we were a clever bunch.  

Starting a race with a beautiful sunrise over the Sawtooth Mountains is not half bad. 

He was a good husband to me when I needed his support.

You can see why people confuse us at work, I wish I could take credit for looking this good.  Cheryl had her best times ever and rocked it.

Laurie ran with chronic bronchitis and killed her legs.  What a powerhouse.

In addition to my 5 coworkers, we dragged Chris into the race.  We needed someone to run Galena Summit. If you tell anyone you are running the Sawtooth Relay, they have one question and one question alone, "you are not running Galena are you?"  Galena is a mountain, literally.  Chris ran up a mountain with a 1,331 vertical feet climb in a total of 5.35 miles.  I cannot tell you how proud I was of him.  He can now put a gold star next to his name and say that he has run Galena when all those people ask "who did Galena?"  

Here is my man doing his thing.

Looking handsome refueling.

I cannot resist putting a photo in of what I thought was the best costumed team.  Meet, team "Man Candy."  For all you single guys looking to go out on Halloween this year, I highly suggest you be Man Candy.  The girls will not leave you alone.

Ted was our team lead and pulled a personal best! 

 Those who finish early, celebrate early while the rest of us dread our next leg! I think I will choose to finish early next time.

Our Summer intern ran like a champ, what a good sport! 

Looking a little disheveled, but the mountains make us look good.

The end. 

We had so much fun in Sun Valley before and after the race.  Thanks to Kim (thank you!), we were Grady free for the weekend for the first time ever.  We had a nice dinner out alone and a nice dinner in with our team.  It was an awesome weekend away.  I loved our little team and had so much fun with them. Aside from the pure physical torture, it was a great weekend!  I think we will do it again sometime so if you are ever interested, let me know!


  1. It is fun to see you and Chris doing the races that your Dad and I use to do. And the post race pictures of the happy sweaty faces are priceless.
