July 28, 2012

Murphy Wedding!

I am late in posting this, but I'd be sad not to be able to highlight the wedding of my college roommate and dear friend Lisa. I had to steal photos from various folks (thanks again Stace). About a month ago, I had the opportunity to be a bridesmaid in one of the most beautiful and unique weddings ever. Lisa's sweetheart is a pilot and they were fittingly married in an a airplane hanger with John flying all of the groomsmen in. Their eye for design turned this hanger into quite the awesome setting!

801 girls!!
2012 801 mamma baby bump!
2011 & 2012 801 mammas (sans Tara)!
The wedding was beautiful and overflowing with love, friendship and happiness.  It was so much fun to celebrate with Lisa and John and I was so happy that I could be a part of it all, even if I ruined some wedding photos with what I affectionately referred to as "being the big blueberry." Congratulations you guys, you could not have had a better wedding!

The photographers had a photobooth like set-up, but it was even cooler than other's I've seen.
So much fun!

July 22, 2012

Belly Shots

I was not inclined to get any maternity photos at all.  I am not one of those people who feels attractive in my body of late and I figured if I ever really wanted to remember what I looked like pregnant, I have this blog that I can look at anytime.  On a whim when I found out that I would have some spare time before bridesmaid time kicked in on our trip to L.A., I asked my dear friend and wonderful photographer Stacy if she'd mind snapping some shots of us. 

We hadn't planned for it ahead of time so we pulled out things from our suitcase without much thought and headed down to the beach by our hotel.  In broad sunlight and with awkward subjects, Stace made her magic work.  I am so grateful to have these pictures to document this time in our lives.  I am also so grateful to our dear friend who took time from her vacation on a spur of a moment request by us. She gave us a great gift by sharing her talents with us and I am so glad that we did it.

Stacy lives in the Bay Area and does a beautiful job documenting families in a very natural way.  Her photography blog and personal blogs are linked on the right hand side of this blog. Check out her beautiful photos and darling little boy.  THANK YOU AGAIN STACE!

This little boy will be here soon!

July 15, 2012

The Better Bath

This weekend we had the not so unusual problem of a dirty Bella.  With weekend yard work including taking out a small tree and a mini rainstorm we got this:

The solution is usually tossing the Bels in the bath for a quick rinse, but today she got a rinse of a different kind at the river. Our little water fearing dog has grown to love water. After a week of 100 degree plus weather topping out at 108 on two days with Phoenix being the only hotter city in the country, we enjoyed our 95 degree "cool down" on the river. I soaked my swollen feet, Bella played fetch, and Chris watched Bels enjoy the river like a proud papa.

Love the double ear-flop.

Had to include this because Chris is so proud that she puts her head in the water.  If he is this proud of his dog, I cannot wait to see how proud he will be of his son.

I know we'll love the baby more than our dog, but Bella will always be our first baby.  Love this girl and the joy she brings to us every day.

And yes, I am still very pregnant and I know that the world at large wonders (or worries about) when this baby is coming because at least once a day for the past two weeks I've been asked by perfect strangers when I am due.  Some random strangers tell me nice sweet things, some just sympathize with what it must be like to be pregnant with 108 degree heat, and others make comments that are better ignored.  I now know what it means to tell a very pregnant lady that she looks cute and I am going to make an effort to do it to in the future because it is much better than the contrary comments.  The Dr. thinks the baby could come early so stay tuned.  I always thought we would have an August boy, but we'll just have to sit tight and see what month he prefers.

Whoa big momma!

July 8, 2012

Savoring the Quiet Life

This week we'll hit the 37 week mark, which means that the baby will technically be considered full term even though a pregnancy is typically 40 weeks.  With the baby just around the corner, we are spending our weekends being sure to do a little of this:

and a little of this:

I even slept in later than I've slept in in probably 5 years while Chris spent his Saturday morning flyfishing. We can't wait to meet our son and to officially enter into parenthood together, but we also know that life will change in more ways than we can fathom.  So we are really trying to soak up our time together and our time with Ms. Bella.

(I have to blog about our trip to L.A. and the wonderful wedding of my college roommate, but I figured carrying around our son all weekend was enough so I didn't lug my camera anywhere. I am completely dependent on other people's pics. . .  post to come once I can steal a few pics).

July 4, 2012

Nursery Complete (almost)

The nursery is basically complete with the exception of his bedding (on back order from two vendors . . . . ugh!) and his big orange letter (which looks awesome behind the rocker, but won't be put up until we bring the little man home). Our rocker came last night and was really the finishing touch to his room.  Once it went in, I knew it was time to do this post.  This is our favorite room in the house now and we cannot wait to spend time in here reading, playing, cuddling and hopefully spending time with an easy baby who eats and sleeps like an angel. Wishful thinking doesn't hurt does it?

The cool marble lamp was in Chris' room growing up.  It is also one of my favorites in this baby's room.

My mom sewed the window seat cushion and big floor pillows.  After years of not sewing, it was quite the project for her and we love them!