July 15, 2011

The 4th at Priest

While I went to visit Erin in North Carolina Chris made the drive up to Priest Lake with copilot Bella.  The fourth of July can have questionable weather up there, but this time around Chris reported that they had wonderful weather.  I am pretty sure that he has not taken a trip up to see his folks without me since we were married.  As much as they love me and I love them, I am sure that it was special to just have some one on one time together.  They fished (and came up empty handed), spent time hanging out on the dock, went for boat rides, watched the Priest Lake fireworks, and Chris continued training for Hood to Coast by running with his dad every morning.  Sounds like a pretty great weekend to me. 

I am also happy to report that Bella's first trip to the lake was a success... she swims!  Chris didn't even have to throw her in.  She even jumps off the dock... what a brave puppy!

I think that our two weekends across the country from each other were a success.  We are both just so lucky to have such wonderful family who offer endless laughs, love, and support.

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