September 11, 2010

See Spot Splash

I think that Bella likes Boise just as much as we do. Last week a local pool called that natatorium shut down the pool and opened it up to Boise's four legged friends. The night is a fundraiser that is put on by the humane society and is pretty much the coolest doggie event in town. We were so excited to take Bella to play with her favorite friend Nesta and the rest of the pups. When we got there our little girl was a little afraid of the pool. Chris stood by the poolside semi mortified that he had the uncool dog who was afraid to swim while Nesta and pretty much every other dog fetched, jumped, splashed and dove into the water. Chris tossed Bella in so she could give it the old college try and I swear she nearly drowned. The girl is not a deep water swimmer. She much preferred the grassy area where she found a fun squeaky ball and was quite content to be chased by the other dogs.
(Chris being supportive)
(Bella's boyfriend, Nesta)
(Bella nearly drowning)
(Bella, perfectly happy to play in the grass)

Soon enough Bella found the kiddy pool. It was a place where she and Christopher both found contentment. He no longer had to stand by embarrassed that he was the dad with the uncool kid and she got to play in the water without fear of drowning. It was a great success and we will have to go back next year and see if Bella has acquired real swim legs.
(The kiddy pool - what a great thing!)
(Nesta, obviously too good for the kiddy pool)

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