July 16, 2011


Our summer travels continued as we made our way down to L.A. last weekend for the Pittman wedding.  I have to say I think that this wedding was one for the books.  The bride and groom were so relaxed and really seemed to enjoy every minute of the wedding, which was absolutely beautiful in every respect.  We of course loved celebrating the union of two of the most wonderful people we know, seeing all of our friends, and being treated like royalty at the  Riviera Country Club.  I really did feel quite fancy as I sipped on my raspberry lemondrop overlooking the golf course surrounded by beautiful people - it was just gorgeous! The wedding was seamless  and the bride and groom beamed with happiness.  We love the Pittmans and are so glad they are part of our California family.


Our little "801" girls family continues to grow.  There are now three little ones since the latest little cutie Dominic (below at the left) joined the gang.  And two more on their way this fall (Lish and Stacy due only ten days a part).    

The girls had nice catch up time the night before the wedding.  Lynz and I had a good laugh over looking quite twinish when I showed up from the airport.


 I love and miss every one of these people every day of my life.  We have the best friends.  We really do.

I left my camera at home because I knew I was in the midst of great little photogs.  Picture credit goes to Stacy, Tara, Becky, and Katie.


  1. Yeah Yeah Yeah -- great post, awesome weekend, best friends ever :)

  2. Couldn't agree more! So excited for some more Johnson time this weekend. Get down here - we are ready for you!
