October 30, 2015

One In and One Out

Grady wrapped up his two years of Little Gym earlier this year and Graham started on his new adventure at Little Gym  Wow - time flies!  I am so grateful for this little hidden gem and the experiences it has allowed me to have with my children.

Grady grew so much in his time at Little Gym.  It was the first place where he learned to interact with other kids, to listen to a teacher and try new things.   I got to see what he excels at (jumping of course!) and also what he could use a little more practice with (overcoming some shyness in groups). He grew leaps and bounds (literally!) in his couple years at Little Gym. Grady has always impressed me with his ability to jump off big things with no fear whatsoever.  I know he will be jumping off of lots of big things in his lifetime, and in some small way Little Gym has set the foundation to prepare him for that.  

I'd say that my and Graham's Saturday attendance hovers around 50% due to weekend travels and other things, but it is so wonderful to have an hour set aside for just Graham.  Graham is a pretty easy baby, doesn't typically demand a whole lot of attention, and is blessed with a great big brother who typically does require a lot of attention!  For these reasons, I feel really lucky to have an activity that I can do with just my baby.  It is his time, which is just as important for me as it is for him.   While Grady excelled at jumping, Graham excels at hanging.   These kids are so perfectly juxtaposed. Grady was a bit wild and crazy jumping off of all things and Graham will just sit there and hang from the bar with a huge grin on his face.

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