March 15, 2012

Today is the Day!

Today is the day that we get to find out if we are going to blessed with a little boy or a little girl.  I figured I had to get this post up before we go in because it may take a bit for us to spread the news to our friends and family before we shout it out to world publicly.  I love that people have chimed in with their guesses.  The best guess yet just came from a text from my sister this morning.  She was discussing whether it was a boy or a girl with my 4-year old nephew Tyler.  While they were discussing, my other 2-year old nephew Owen chimed in saying "It is not a's a baby."   He is adorable and right on with his guess.  All we want is a baby so we don't care either way what it is.  It has been fun imagining either a little boy or a little girl in our house and it is a little sad to say goodbye to half of those little dreams.  My "if its a boy then ____ and if it's a girl then _____" ongoing conversation with Chris will come to an abrupt halt today and he is probably grateful for that.  We will cross 50% of our potential names off the list, we will decide on nursery colors, and we'll know a little more about that baby who has been growing and kicking me (which Chris can now feel too!).  Now that little baby better cooperate today and show off its parts!

In other news, spring is finally coming around here (kind of).  We had a beautiful Saturday where we golfed in spring clothes and enjoyed some sun.  It was glorious!  My golf game was not so glorious.  Although I have heard from some women that they were better golfers when pregnant, this was certainly not the case for me.  I am pretty darn bad to begin with, but it was a pretty ugly sight this weekend. I think that I even embarrassed the pair of 85 year old men that we golfed with.  Nevertheless, being outside was wonderful.  My tulips and daffodils are starting to come up and Bella is coming into the house after playing fetch with green paws.  Spring is showing its first signs and I could not be more pleased.


Stay tuned for the big reveal. 


  1. I'm not sure about you two (the actual parents of this baby...!) but I'm TOO EXCITED to work, too excited to focus, but not too excited to eat ;)

    Girl or boy, this baby is so loved already!!

  2. I CAN'T WAIT! I'm stalking both of your facebook pages and Johnson Doodles, just in case I can catch a hint.

  3. You know now :) Are you bursting at the seams??? Tell us, tell us! I am putting down my "for the record" vote of girl even though you already knew that!
