March 18, 2012

The Results Are In

The results are in and it was very conclusively determined that, to my surprise, we have a little boy in there!   It took the ultrasound tech about 5 seconds to tell us that we were going to have a son and to show us the evidence.  Despite my thinking that it was a girl, we are both thrilled to be expecting a boy, the first boy in the next generation to carry on the Johnson name.

Our ultrasound tech said our baby photographed beautifully, which I am sure she tells everyone.  But we did walk out with what seems like quite the extra long strip of photos and a DVD.  The highlights (including a semi-inappropriate gender photo and the first waive to the world) are below.

The bonus of having a little boy is all of these adorable clothes from my sister.  His dresser is going to be full before he even gets here!  Thanks Auntie Erin.

Now it is time to turn this neutral room into a bright room fit for a little boy.  We've made the first trip to Home Depot and Chris has some painting in his near future.  Also on the list is coming up with a boy name!


  1. You are absolutely glowing!!! I am SO excited for you both, boys are wonderful!

  2. Woo hoo!! Yay! I am so excited for you guys and can't wait for the little man to be here!

  3. You look great and I agree with Erin!!! I think I am "ultrasound dyslexic" . . . I see a "boy part", but where is the baby? :-) They need to hold a mini baby outline to hold up in front of the monitor and position it as the baby's shadow; great idea, right?????? I hear other people cheering! Exciting first photo :-)
