October 30, 2015

End of an Era

My dad decided that the end of this summer was the right time for him to retire.  After years of building a practice, working extremely hard, and seeing a whole heck of a lot of teeth, he passed his practice on to a very nice, young dentist.  I have grown up with my dad as my dentist and his hygienists and secretaries have been a regular part of my life, attending weddings, baby showers, and always welcoming me with a hug in the office.  When I realized that it was my dad's last week and my kids hadn't been in for their first official visit, I promptly arranged for an appointment for the boys so that they could see Grandpa in his element.  It was the perfect farewell to to such a huge part of my Dad's life.  Graham was eating up his visit and loved having his eight teeth examined.  Grady, was not too eager to get his teeth looked at, but loved seeing Grandpa as a dentist and loved even more getting to play dentist spraying water in the face of his "patient". 

Dad, we are so proud of of all that you have accomplished. Our boys will always have you as an example as someone who built a business from the ground up based on respect for all, hard work, and a lot of fun along the way.   You have a lot to be proud of!  I know you will be sorely missed by many including myself!   Now you get to enjoy your time in the mountains  and travelling the country in your R.V.  Love you!


1 comment:

  1. Your Dad is an exceptional person. I count my blessings every day.
