November 26, 2015

101 things 2015

In the day to day chaos, I admittedly forget sometimes just how wonderful life really is.   I am lucky. I am blessed.  I am thankful.  So on this Thanksgiving Day, I share with you 101 things that I appreciate and am thankful for - some big, some small and in absolutely no particular order. 

1. Family
2. Public libraries - I have never been a library person except for studying in law school, but I have come to absolute love the Eagle public library

3. How snow makes everything in the world quieter.  I never really noticed it until adulthood
4. Sledding
5. Whipped cream from the can
6. Kids in sunglasses

7. My book club -even though I am the worst book chooser in history
8. My iPad. I joined the revolution this year (very late!) and won't turn back.
9. Real heroes and this video and song, saw it at church probably 10 years ago and consult it often
10. Bob Costas - I love his sports stories
11. Raise em Up by Keith Urban
12. Sprinkles
13. Morning hugs
14. Little kid jokes (How do you make a tissue dance?  You put a little boogie in it).
15. My adorable nieces and nephews
16. The joy of watching Bella fly off the dock


17. Seeing new territory in my great state

18. Grady and Mommy Trip to SF - so so so many great memories!

19. That Graham mostly sleeps through the night now - bout time boy!
20. Cross Fit - I am not a fanatic, but I can see why people are
21. Getting over the fear of trying something new and being a beginner, I am the absolutely worst in my morning workout classes and that would usually mean the end of something for me
22. Roasting marshmallows

23. Saturdays at Little Gym with my Graham

24. Skype/Facetime with family
25. That my sister and her family made it out to Idaho this year and met Graham
26. Beaches and 7 wonderful days in the Caribbean with my love
27. That  my boys have each other and will always have a brother to go on adventures with

28. Eagle Christian Preschool and Grady's absolutely wonderful teachers Mrs. Sue and Ms. Alyson
29. The fact that Grady and cousin Cameron get to attend preschool together, even if it means the occasional discipline problem for them 
30. Family pictures
31. Linder Farms Pumpkin Patch - a highlight of my year
32. Christmas cards
33. Hot air balloons

34. Our military and the sacrifices they make
35. Golf
36. Grady's spark

37. Graham's sweetness

38. That we survived, even if just barely, a year with an infant and a two year old
39. That temper tantrums will end
40. My 801 girls!
41. Becko's surprise birthday visit to Idaho!  THE BEST.
42. Grady's hysterical phone conversations - he loves chatting on the phone these days, feel free to call anytime if you need a pick me up
43. Days at the park

44. Summer hikes

45. That Chris is the best daddy I could ever imagine for my boys

46. Chris and Grady's days working in the yard.

47. Lobster - yum!
48. Idaho's mountains.

49. Time with the boys at Priest Lake
50. Time with Chris at Priest Lake
51. Grandma and Papa's willingness to watch our boys twice this year so that Chris and I could have time together
52. Being logged off for a week while we took vacation.
53. Cruising - I love it
54. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - saw it on a plane and had low expectations but was the best movie I saw all year.   Kind of Little Miss Sunshine style - just watch it.
56. Boise Discover Center

57. Boise Zoo
58. Boise's MK Nature Center
59. Living in my favorite city!
60. That Chris and I both have jobs and work with good people
61. Pea Coats
62. Little Boys in hats
63. Bathime with the boys
64. Mrs. Kayla and how much she loves our boys
65. Weekend breakfast with the family

66. Summer days spent swimming in the pool
67. Mrs. Darcey's swim lessons and that we have two water boys
68. Amazon - Prime and Audible are in my life almost daily
69. The privilege of living in the U.S. - easy to take for granted, but seeing some of the poverty in other countries is an easy way to remember just how lucky we are
70. Ziplining
71. Bearable kid programming: Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol (on the list of unbearable is Little Einsteins!)
72. My mom's utter devotion to our kids and willingness to watch them every week.
73. That our kid have 5 wonderful, amazing and loving grandparents who each offer them something special.
74. One very very special great grandma!

75. That we only have one kid in diapers,
76. Self serve frozen yogurt  and my dates with my little sugar loving Grady
77. Rembrants breakfast joint
78. An amazing dinner with my looooong time friends Beth and Emily, just one of those times when conversations were both deep and light and our spirits were connected in a special way

79. New family traditions - Sunday night movie night!
80. Real newspapers - picked one up for the first time while travelling recently and realized I love the real newspaper, the smell, the feel, the content, the fact that I am not starting at a screen.  I hope that they never go away.
81. Swinging on the porch with my boys

82. Seattle trip to see the Kehrlis - fun fun fun!

83. NBC nightly news.  Still a staple of my day
84.  Morning coffee.
85. Tulips in my yard

86. Target and Costco - even though I tend to bleed money when I go to both!
87. Favorite books of the year:  American Sniper, Girl on a Train, The Secret Keeper.
88. When my house is quiet and my kids are tucked in.
89. The rare occasion when I get to take a nap,   I have been a power napper my whole life, in movies, in cars, on couches.  That luxury disappeared mostly after becoming a mom
90. That having children was not hard for us.  Seeing folks struggle with infertility makes me appreciate even more the miracles that are our boys.
91. That I get to be a mom to two of the best boys ever
92. How very different our boys are.
93. Slippers
94. Autumn sunsets

95. That Graham's tear duct was fixed and that he did so well with the procedure
96. Bella Cuddles
97. Pixar movies
98. Cousins

99 A girls trip with my 801 girls!

100. Our 4 Santa Clara Degrees and that the chance to share SCU with Grady.
101 Getting at least one blog post up in a timely manner!  Go me!-  now it is time to eat some turkey!


  1. I always love the range of things on your list:-) Yes, Spark and Sweetness are amazing and you seem to really appreciate the small, special moments! So thankful to be able to see these boys grow and change every week! I am THANKFUL that you are my daughter!

  2. I love this list! I love my Idaho Johnsons.
    And selfishly, I love #18, #40, #41, #84 (thanks to you!) and #99
