May 18, 2014

Big Bro

It is with great excitement that we officially announce that our little Grady will be a become a big brother this October! We are thrilled that we'll be a family of five, including Miss Bella of course.  I feel like we are about ready to enter the "crazy" years of our life, but we couldn't be happier. 

I am due October 17th so I'll fit right in among the pumpkins in the patch this fall.  The slightly pinkish frame above is not meant to imply anything.  We have no idea if we are expecting a little girl or a little boy, but we'll find out at the end of this month.  I cannot wait to know what we are having.  I'd always thought that we'd be a two boy family and was convinced the first part of my pregnancy that we were having another boy because I felt so much the same.  Then I starting thinking it was a girl for a month or so.  Now I am back full circle to admitting to the fact that there is a 50/50 chance of it being a boy or a girl and that I am the worst guesser when it comes to this stuff anyway so I should just stop speculating.  Needless to say, May 29th cannot get here fast enough. 

I've felt pretty good so far.  Like when I was pregnant with Grady, I typically take an evening nap before bed.  Chris has picked up a lot the slack where my tiredness has left holes. I think I have mostly emerged from the napping stage at this point. Like with Grady, I never got sick, but had some mornings where I didn't feel so hot.  Like with Grady, I have no lack of an appetite. Unlike with Grady, I popped out really fast with this baby. Maybe it is because my pregnancies are fairly close or maybe it is because my body is just different, but at nineteen weeks there is no question that this mamma has a baby in there.  I actually love looking pregnant rather than just looking thicker than normal. 

Grady knows that there is a baby in my tummy and says hi and kisses the baby, but he doesn't really know what that all means.  He also knows there is less room on my lap for him.  When we rock at night he now says "scoot back" as he tries to get more room on my lap and he scoots into my belly.  I then have to tell him "don't smoosh the baby Grady" to which he responds "move the baby!".   Oh dear Grady, you have no idea what is about to hit you.  It makes me sad and so happy at the same time that Grady will no longer be our baby.  I cannot wait for him to have a sibling, playmate, and lifelong friend.  At the same time, he is my first baby and I am so in love with him and still soak up every minute with him.  I am in no hurry for him to grow up. I know that being a big brother means that Grady will no longer be a baby, but he'll always be my baby. 

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhh, now you get the " you will ALWAYS BE MY BABY" sentiment ! Grady will be a very protective big brother. . . And I am laughing at the "scoot the baby!" Ahhhhh, lots of fun to come and glad the NEWS is out !
