May 18, 2014

First Haircut

It is hard to tell in pictures, but Grady's hair has grown quite a bit.  It is still white and whispy so it is very hard to see.  Chris and I debated about whether a barber would laugh us out of the shop if we took him in to get a little trim  because Grady still has such fine hair, albeit what is there was quite long.  I'd finally decided that he was ready to go in and sent Chris a picture of a haircut that I thought was cute for his approval. On my drive home that night I got a series of pictures.  The first was from our nanny who'd given Grady a mohawk that day for fun.  The second was of a much shorter mohawk after Chris took it upon himself to give Grady his first real haircut! Chris spent the next two days refining the cut. This was not the first haircut experience nor the first haircut cuteness that I was hoping for!   I guess I should be happy that Chris saved us a couple bucks.  Now I'll wait another two years for his hair to grown enough to need a real haircut!


1 comment:

  1. Chris ?????????? Ok, not bad , but use your lawn trimmer on the grass next time;-)
