August 10, 2013

Auntie Becko!

Last time Auntie Becko came for a visit it was 5 degrees out and this time it was over 100 degrees out.  An almost 100 degree temperature swing meant that we spent a lot of time trying to keep cool by playing in the pool, eating fresh watermelon, playing naked (Grady only), finger painting, and going to the splash park.

Becky learned how difficult it is to get a picture with Grady.  In order to get two faces in one shot, you pretty much have to resort to photo bombing and you can forget getting a smile. Grady's constant motion and refusal to sit for even a second make getting a photo quite the impossible task. Despite the lack of smiles in photos, Grady had a great time flirting with Becko every chance that he got. He sure does love her just like the rest of us.

Bella showing off her skills. 

Beautiful isn't it?

Lucky for me, we were able to fit in a  few hours of girl only time with me, Becky and Elizabeth.  Becky has a way of drawing people in.  Everyone wants to spend time with her and she is so good about making time for her friends.   She is the kind of friend that I aspire to be.

We love you Auntie Becko.  Thanks for coming to visit.  Thanks for being patient with my work.  Thanks for not caring that my house wasn't cleaned.  Thanks for not minding take-out.  Thanks for being you!

1 comment:

  1. I had SO MUCH FUN hanging out with you guys all weekend. Thank you for having me! Also, I wanted to verify that Grady really was the only weekender playing naked. I may look like I joined that party mid-way through the blog-post (squatting behind G near the putting green), but that was not the case.
