March 20, 2011

The Other Dog

We took a much needed R&R trip up to McCall this weekend.  We figured that if it is going to be snowing in March, we might as well be skiing.  We had a wonderful ski day with my dad and Robin followed by a walk around McCall with homemade ice cream and caramel included, a dip in the hot tub and some good old NCAA tournament until Chris could not watch the Zags get destroyed any longer and then we watched a movie.  Two important milestones were reached this weekend in our lives.  Mrs. Bella officially conquered carsickness and is going on a year strong (thank goodness)  and I stayed awake for an entire movie.  Do not underestimate the significance of that.  I am pretty sure that is has not happened since about 1998. 

We were also paid a visit by Robin's dog as seen below.  This little fox comes to the porch and lays on a stack of snow until you toss him out some food.  I gave him an egg and off he went only to come back again when he was done.  I did not have my camera with me this weekend so these were all taken with Chris' phone. Not too shabby for a phone.

We spent the rest of the weekend catching up with normal life by spending an enormous amount of money at Costco, cleaning house, and doing some yard work.  I guess it is more accurate to say that Chris did the yard work because while I napped and caught up on American Idol, he chopped down two dead trees in our yard. I was quite impressed with his work when I woke up.


  1. What movie was it? It must be good if you stayed awake after the week you had!

  2. It was the Fighter, not a family friendly movie, but very good. I also must admit that I did take a nap before the movie :)

  3. So glad you FINALLY had a relaxing weekend. You deserve it! The Fighter is definitely worth staying awake through - didn't you love it??? Sounds like a Lynsey trip to Costco ;) Did you spend your retirement (as Bob always says I do when I return from Costco)? Miss you guys!

  4. Love costco...and great pics of the fox! So cool!
