March 17, 2011

Constable Wedding

We were lucky enough to be able to escape the cold and go to Arizona last weekend to see Chris' high school buddy Joel marry his sweetie (a Santa Clara Bronco I might add, good choice Joel!).  The rehearsal dinner was outside and consisted of BBQ ribs and chicken around a campfire.  Very Arizonan and very awesome.  We also got to go out in downtown Tempe which was quite the happening little place complete with a very cool dueling piano bar.  The wedding itself was beautiful.  It was about 80 degrees and gorgeous with the Arizona desert as a backdrop.  Rachel was the definition of a stunning bride and Joel was adorable.  They had the courage to say their vows which was my favorite part.  I wish that I would have gotten the nerve up to do that.  It really was a wonderful ceremony.  

Chris was honored to be one of Joel's groomsmen along with the other two members of the "fiercesome foursome."  Chris, Joel, Collin and Lee have all been friends since high school and got to reunite once again for the wedding.  Chris chose his friends well even back then.  I love each of these guys.  It was so much fun to be able to see them all together looking handsome in their tuxes. It is obvious how close they still are and really neat to see how they can pick up like they see each other everyday  (yes, I just used the word neat).  While Chris ate at the head table, I felt very cool to be seated with the lady counterparts of the foursome and the Facebookers. The food was great, the dancing was fabulous and a good time was had by all.  Thanks Joel and Rachel for inviting us to share in your special day!  We had such a great time catching up with old friends and meeting new ones too.


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