March 5, 2011

Mrs. Becko

When some people finish the bar exam they go on exotic trips to the other side of the world to celebrate.   The first time around, Chris and I took a fabulous trip to Alaska.  This time around, I would not have had anything else but a visit from one of our favorite people, Mrs. Becky Biniek (AKA: Becko/Becks).  We pretty much ate our way through both Eagle and Boise and enjoyed some pretty nice cocktails along the way too.  We had a fantastic bluebird ski day up at Bogus Basin. I even loaded up on the sun screen. But don't be fooled by the blue skies, it was pretty darn chilly.

We also enjoyed the best kind of time, plain old "hang out time"  by watching movies, going to our favorite breakfast spot, getting our butts kicked by Chris on the Wii, taking the Bels to the park and spending some quality time on the trampoline.  I think Becko may have liked the trampoline more than our children visitors :)   Bella also fell in love with Becky while she was here.  I am not sure that the love was quite mutual, but I think that Bella is growing on Becky.  Every morning when we'd let her out of our room, Bella would run down and bust into Becky's room to "greet" her.  She was pretty sad on Tuesday when she bolted down the hallway and busted in the room to find an empty bed.  We feel the same way as Bella, we already miss having Becky around.

Thanks Becky for making the trip up to Idaho.  We loved that our first California visitor was you! 


  1. I love this post and I loved my visit! THANK YOU for taking such good care of me, and making sure I was full at every point of the weekend. I had a blast and can't wait to come back!!

  2. LOVE THIS POST :) So glad you had such a great visit - not that it would be any other way with the three of you tearing up Boise. Miss you guys!
