January 23, 2011

Like an Astronaut

Dearest loved ones, I am taking a break from all things normal in life and secluding myself for a month to study for the Idaho bar exam.  If you had asked me if I would ever take another bar exam after my California bar exam sob fest, I would have told you no way.  Now I am in the world of self doubt, stress, and hundreds of flashcards once again and I am hating every minute of it.  So if I don't return your calls or emails, it is not because I don't love you.  You can just think of me here in my little study nook. I live here these days.  I am a bit superstitious and terrified of tests by nature so this is the last that you will hear of the bar, unless I have good news to report in a couple months. In fact, I will not even put the word "bar" in the title of this post.  But I wanted to let you all know why I had dropped off the earth suddenly.  The good news is that living in Idaho is worth the stupid bar exam, even if it will cause additional tears and breakdowns.
The materials.  For my Cali friends, same stuff new color.
My motivation.  Thanks for the cute frame Elizabeth!  I bet that you didn't think that it would end up here.

I cannot even force a halfway real smile.

Chris and I were watching a science show about travelling to Mars the other day.  It said that our astronauts would be in the shuttle for 2-3 years just to get to Mars (okay maybe studying for the bar is not that bad).  Anyway, I do have a point.  They talked on this show about how food will be more than just food for these confined astronauts, it would be the highlight of their day and the thing that provided a little bit of joy (hence why our government is spending our tax dollars on figuring out ways to freeze dry a porkchop for several years).  And now my point, I am like an astronaut these days. It is the little things that keep me going. I love eating breakfast with Chris in the morning and dinner at night. These times are the highlight of my day. I also enjoy walking Bella, watching the two new little baby lambs that were just born from my study nook, and watching my herb garden grow. I am like an astronaut and am amazed at how much joy the little things provide me when everything else is so monotonous and challenging.

My little things that make me smile.  The Bels (my study partner), one of the baby lambs with momma (the view from my window), and my little herb garden (a sign that spring is around the corner).  Yes, the Bels does look an awful like the little lamb.  Of course, I am so thankful for the support of my family and my wonderful Christopher.


  1. Oh, Sion...I love you! :) Good luck studying, you are going to rock it!

  2. Good luck Sion! We are thinking of you and thinking happy thoughts about your test.
