February 1, 2011

Officially Grown Up

It is official, we are grown ups. I have decided that you become a real grown upon the occurrence of one of two things. The first way that you become a real grown up is that you have a baby.  Since we are not really there yet, we decided to go with the second route of achieving grownuphood, we bought a bed.  Yes, not as exciting as baby news (sorry to disappoint), but still a way to achieve the all important "grown up" status.  After literally years of looking and 4 and 1/2 years of marriage, we finally found a bed that we both like. This was apparently no small task.  I feel like a little queen when I sleep now.
In other boring grown up news, we painted a room in the house.  We have never painted a room together and I must say that we went with quite a bold color choice for our first time around.  We picked a color called "Autumn Leaves" (far left in the picture below).  It is kind of a burnt orangey-reddish color and I love it.  When we lived in our apartment and duplex in California, all I ever wanted was an office.  I was tired of working at the dining room table or a bedroom.  So I was thrilled when we had space for an office in the house.  The problem is that we set it up with both of our desks and I ended up never wanting to be in there because it felt like an office.  After having a home office, I decided that I don't want to be in an office when I am not in the office.  So I still work at the dining room table or kitchen counter and now I am often joined by Chris.  So we moved my desk upstairs and made our office into a "den" by cozying it up with the new paint and putting our old couch in there. The rug is also special since it was a gift form Eric all the way from one of his tours in Afghanistan.   Even sans wall art and lamps, I actually want to be in there to read and talk on the phone or do whatever.  Here are a couple pictures of the transformation.

And for the final reveal . . . the before, the "office." 

The after . . . the "DEN!"


  1. Love it!! Can you please post a photo of your new couch?!

  2. Finally checking in on the blog... it's been a little while! LOVE the den - nice work you two. Grown ups you ARE! My first reaction was similar to Elizabeth's... Lets see that new couch!
