January 2, 2011

So Long 2010

We wrapped up a wonderful holiday season and an incredible year this week.  We were lucky enough to be able to spend 4 days in McCall and lucky for us it snowed 3 feet while we were there!   It was so wonderful to be able to have both of our sisters and their families with us.  We played in the snow, went sledding, and skied our buns off.  Even Tyler made it up to the mountain for his first time skiing.   It was a blast to go skiing and "flying" with him on the chair lift.  We also were able to spend some additional time with the Whitfields in Boise.  It is always fun to show off our little town, even if the temperatures only made it into the 20s.  We then trekked back up to McCall to ring in the new year. I think I over-pictured myself earlier in the week because I didn't take any photos. This time up we skied in beautiful sunshine and about 4 degree temperatures, which was a massive improvement over the negative 14 it was when we got up. Thank God for long johns. We definitely were in a winter wonderland.

Love his little red cheeks.

Loving the sled.

Pretty girls.

I wonder where he gets his eyes?

I am not sure that he could move, but he looked cute.

The beginnings of true "brotherhood."

We thought that Sophie might fall for Owen, but she apparently has a thing for older men.
2010 was a fabulous year for us.  We are trying to remember to count the many blessings that we had this year. Among our most treasured blessings this year were our wonderful friends and family who supported us in taking a huge step, being able to buy our first home, and moving to a city that we have fallen in love with.  We are excited to see what new adventures come our way next year.  Happy New Year to you all!  May 2011 bring you health and much happiness!


  1. We love you guys!

    PS. The photo of Sophie and Tyler is awesome :)

  2. LOVE all the December posts. Its been awhile since I checked the blog... (whoops!) Looks like you two had a GREAT first holiday season in Boise. We sure do miss you guys... Thinking about weekends in Tahoe just seems wrong without you both :( NW skiing SOON!!!
