September 26, 2010

Johnsons Times 4

This weekend was a quadrouple Johnson weekend as we had Chris' parents in town.  We had a great time with them exploring Boise and Eagle, celebrating with family, and getting some great lawn improvements (thanks Johnson men).  In case you out of towners have not heard, ESPN Game Day was in town this weekend for the Big BSU/Oregon game.  We were not the crazy fans that got up at 3:00 in the morning to step into a line that wrapped around the stadium and then some.  We did, however, make our way down there by bike in about the middle of the show to join the festivities.  It was awesome.  It felt like I was in college again - or what I imagine college would have felt like had I gone to a college with a football team.  The ESPN guys were fun and entertaining and paid great tribute to both Boise and the BSU football program.  It really is so much fun to live here during football season.  I think that the crowd was around 13,000, which is close to ESPN's Game Day record attendance.  To add the the greatness, BSU won last night in a great game.  Go Broncos!

Lee Corso even chose BSU, it was a big day!

After Game Day we played tourist and  took a walk around the nature center.  I think the highlight there was seeing  a 200 pound sturgeon.  It was a pretty cool place to go, much cooler than I remember from my field trip days.

Then we went home to do some relaxing, until the Johnson men decided that the back yard would look great with some lights beneath the trees.  So off to Home Depot they went.  They spent most of Saturday and a good part of today digging in lines and arranging seven awesome lights on the trees in the yard.  I love that I get to benefit from one of Eric's famous projects.  The man really has a hard time sitting still and this time my backyard is proof of that.  Thanks Eric for your great idea and all of your hard work. 

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO fun :) We loved watching the BSU/OSU game. I will say we were sporting Beaver gear, but are glad that the Broncos are playing so well!
