September 11, 2010

Labor Day

We made it up to Priest Lake for a second time this summer for Labor Day weekend. It was wonderful, as usual. We head to bed pretty early in our everyday life, but up there you are on lake time and I swear we were in bed by 9:30 at the latest. We read, mountain biked, fished ,had a picnic on the beach, soaked up the sun and some wine on the dock, and just hung out. I really am convinced that Priest Lake really is one of the best places on earth. My cell phone did not get reception up there and for the first time in about 3 years I was not overcome with anxiety for lack of a working blackberry. I don't know if that was Priest Lake or just my Idaho life in general, but I loved it. Thanks to Kim and Eric for another wonderful weekend at the lake!

We also had a great time watching BSU pull of the big win against Virginia Tech when we got home. We have been big Bronco fans for years, but are now more excited than ever to cheer on our home team.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this post! I am so glad you could finally enjoy a vacation without anxiety... :) Yay!
