July 21, 2010

Home Life.

We are settling in to Boise and our new house. Just this week Chris looked at me and said, "this is a big day for me." It wasn't the day that he started his job or the day that we finally set foot in our own house. It was the day he first mowed our grass. It was cute how happy it made him. It was about 98 degrees outside and he was kind of purple in the face, but I have never seen him happier. In addition to mowing, he has been digging holes for new trees and taking bushes out. It is clear that the yard is his domain. And for those of you that don't believe that we really do have a farm in our backyard, I have posted some pictures of our new neighbors. I actually like the noise of the roosters now and being able to look out and see the horses while I load the dishwasher. What I thought was going to be a downside really is turning into an upside.

My sister was in town for vacation and for Owen's baptism so they came over one night. Our neighbor told us that you could fish the ponds in our neighborhood so we told Tyler to bring his fishing pole over. Sure enough, the fish were easy picking. I am pretty sure that this was Tyler's first fish that he caught. He was so excited at one point when he was told to hold off on casting so that his line could be untangled, he pointed to the ground, stomped one foot and said, "but I am fishing right now!"

(isn't he the cutest thing?)

(Owen and Grandpa talking about all of the fish that Tyler caught - I think 5 in total!)

Some of the other Boise highlights that we have experienced thus far are going to alive after five last Wednesday, which was great. Each Wednesday, they have music, food and beer in downtown Boise and the people pack in and sweat out the summer air with ice cold beers in hand. I also took Chris to enjoy his first snow cone. Growing up in Boise, I thought it was normal to have a snowshack on every corner with about 50 flavors of shaved ice. This was a phenomenon to Chris and so I had to take him to enjoy his first Boise snowcone. I don't know if he was really impressed with the ice covered in sugar syrup, but it is more about the experience right? We also got to have my other nephew Brad over for dinner one night. He showed us his moves on the trampoline and challenged Chris to a game of Horse.

Bella is also loving her yard and house. Her favorite things to do are search for sticks and other things to eat in the yard, monitor the turkeys from her post in the living room and "help" dig holes when we plant things in the yard.


  1. shirt is lookin good on the bball court, Chris! miss you guys.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing -- the blog looks great. I just love that I have way to keep up to date on your new home, and new life! The pics are great -- why type of lens are you guys shooting with these days? Keep the posts coming!
