July 19, 2010

Bay to Boise!

We made the big move! On Wednesday July 7th, we closed up our yellow Penske truck and hit the road headed towards Boise. The drive is long when you are allowed to go to the speed limit, but it is far longer when you are limited to going 55 MPH (especially because you cannot take advantage of the Nevada 75 MPH speed limits, dang it). Chris navigated his large truck, which was pulling my Camry behind it, very well. My three year old nephew later marveled at the fact that Uncle Chris drove that big of a truck. I must say that for a girl who usually spends at least half of every road trip asleep in the passenger seat, I also did OK with the 4runner. Even our car-sick puppy was a rockstar - thank you Dramamine! We only had one minor hiccup with smoking tires about 20 minutes from town when we got too excited and went over our allotted 55 MPH speed limit. All in all, the 15 hour drive through 4 states was a success and we rolled into our new house at 10:00 p.m. The sun was just setting as we drove in and I felt like God was smiling down on us. We had a fantastic ten years in California. We each left home at 18 years old to attend Santa Clara and ten years later have moved back to my hometown and a city that I think Chris is happy to be in. A lot happened in that ten years and I think that we both feel like California holds some of our greatest memories and our dearest friendships. We will always treasure those things and visit often, but we are both excited to call Boise our new home.

A break in Nevada.
Bella kicking the car sick habbit!
Just a little excited.


  1. I found the blog - yay!!! Looks like a great trip to Boise. We miss you already!

  2. OMG! Cheerleader jump even. . .who knew?? Soooo glad you are in Boise now!
    Mom Sue
