June 29, 2014

This Man

With June comes celebrating father's day and Chris's birthday.  Although we tried to make the days special, I know that I don't do enough to let this man know how much I love and appreciate him.  I truly feel like God is giving us two boys because Chris is such a wonderful example of a husband, father, and a man.   He has the strongest work ethic out of anyone that I know.  It is a rare occasion that he just sits.  He is always fixing something around the house, taking care of the yard, paying our bills, playing with Grady, or just doing whatever needs to be done.  He accomplishes more before he leaves the house in the morning than I am able to accomplish in the whole day. I am not kidding. It makes me feel inadequate in many ways, but more than anything it makes me feel grateful for the wonderful partner that I have.  He is the best daddy to Grady. They are so sweet when they play together and Grady no doubt loves every minute of fishing, swimming, shoulder rides, and reading tractor books with daddy that he can get. As for me, I couldn't have a better husband, in addition to being a superhuman daddy and head of household, Chris is supportive, funny, remarkably patient, and selfless.  Grady and I are lucky, that is all there is to it.   If our boys grow up to be half the man their father is, I will be so proud and honored.   We love you Chris.  Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father. 

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