June 23, 2014

Oh Boy!

When we went in for our 20 week ultrasound, I don't think either of us had any real expectation about whether we were having a boy or a girl.  As the tech did all the health checkups she kept going down to the baby's private areas to see what she could see and each time the baby had its legs crossed and was completely uncooperative.  She promised that she wouldn't let us leave without finding out what we were having, the woman was determined.  I think Chris and I both started thinking it was a girl with the rational that if there was nothing to see, maybe there was nothing obvious to see.  Then, she went down for one more look and the baby did a spread eagle and showed us his parts.  It was clear that it was definitely not a girl.   Grady is getting a little brother and we are getting a second son! I was excited when we first found out because I'd always envisioned our family with two boys and had had referred to our future children in my head as "the boys" on numerous occasions, and since then my excitement has grown exponentially.  I see lots of brotherly golf games, fishing, ski trips, wrestling, silly games, dirty little boys, nighttime chats in bunkbeds, and all sorts of crazy boy antics in our future.  I would have of course wanted our little girl to fish, golf, and play hard too like her mama, but the world just seems right having two boys in our family.  We cannot wait!

Here he is.  

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