May 6, 2012

27 Weeks

27 weeks and how many more to go?!? I have reached the point where I cannot imagine 3 more months of growth. I think that I am quite large right now (as does my "tell it like it is" secretary), so fathoming an additional 3 months of growth is a bit hard.
Everything seems to be moving along just fine.  My biggest complaint is still my swollen feet, which I think are in large part caused by many hours at my desk. I have taken to walking up the 13 flights of stairs to my office mid day to see if that helps.  I also have found a new use for my legal books, which are doubling as a footrest.  To my delight, my "pretty feet" came back this week.  I never thought of feet as being pretty until mine looked like overstuffed sausages. I've been sure to admire and point out my "pretty feet" to Chris all weekend.
How I look.
How I feel!
We have another ultrasound this week that the Dr.'s wanted to do to check up on something.  To make a longer story short, the baby looked fine in the last one, they just needed to give some more time to check something with me. I was told that since they expect this issue will self correct, this is really just a bonus ultrasound so that is how I am choosing to look at it.  I cannot wait to see our little guy again!

While I tootle around on the Internet and order all of the accessories and fun things for the baby's room (hello Etsy, I love you!), Chris has been busy painting and designing a plan for the wainscoting because he is just not interested in buying the pre-finished pieces for easy assembly.  Although we initially wanted a gray color paint, we ended up with more of a blue-gray, but I love it and think that it is very calming. 

Stage One: Paint.

Stage Two: Paint and prepare wainscoting pieces.
(notice Bella with her orange ball, I kid you not about that thing)

I have had a single letter, representing the possible first letter of our little boy's name, in an online shopping basket for about 7 weeks now while we tested out the name. We now think that it is official enough that I am going to bite the bullet and buy the letter tonight.  I figure the worst thing that could happen is that someone we know will end up with a beautiful new wooden letter.  The rest of the world is going to have to wait to find out the name, much to our family's dismay!

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