April 2, 2012

3 Years Old

There is much blogging to catch up on after a wonderful four days away and a big growing belly, but we have priorities here and today it is Bella's birthday :)  It is beyond ridiculous to wish a dog happy birthday, but we love this girl and know that next year her birthday will likely go by without us even noticing and soon we won't even remember how old she is.  So for today, we celebrate our wonderful little puppy who turns three today and is soaking up all the attention she can get these days.

1 comment:

  1. Bella was SUCH a good girl when I picked her up yesterday! But she practically draggedddddd me into the house thru the garage. . .I definately need tread on my shoes to keep her from sliding me across the concrete. . .LOL! Yes, next year she won't have full access to your attention, but she will learn to give the baby a ride on her back. . .NOT :-)
