August 25, 2010

Soon to be Mohnacky Mahem

What a weekend, what a group of gal pals I have! I had a great weekend down in San Diego. It has taken me until today to fully recover from all the "soon to be Mohnacky mahem" that went down. I headed down to San Diego to celebrate Mrs. Dina Salcido in her last few single days before tying the knot. A fun time was had by all. The weekend consisted of kayaking in La Jolla, sunning ourselves in San Diego, staying in an incredible beach house, and enjoying one crazy night out in the gaslamp district, which Lynsey liked to refer to as the torch district. I am already Idahoan enough that I felt like a small town girl amongst many scantily clad ladies and hungry eyed men. I came home completely exhausted with sunburned shoulders late Sunday night, but could not have been happier. Dina was a great sport and it was so nice to be with my girls. I miss all my California ladies (and my one Montana lady too) already. Here is to bachelorette number 6 of 8 of my housemates affectionately known as the 801 girls!

Daytime fun. . . . and . . . .

Nighttime fun.
(all thirteen of us, all in black, except the bachelorette in pink)
(me and Lynz - gas torch girl)
(three beautiful sets of eyes, Stace, Becko and "soon to be Mrs. Mohnacky")

Chris says that this is not very much of a Johnson Doodle and is more of an Ali Doodle, but we all need our own doodles sometimes, right? Chris held down the fort with the Bels this weekend, but don't feel too bad for him, he got a day of fly fishing in and purchased himself not one, but two new bikes.


  1. Love this "Ali Doodle" ... such a fun weekend! See you in October!!

  2. It really was such a great weekend. I think your dance party kickoff was one of my favorite Stace moments of all time. Classic, just classic.
