August 17, 2010

Jaialdi and McCall

We have been busy over these last couple of weeks, which has resulted in poor blogging habits. On the every-day-life side of things, I am now in week three of my new job and I am really liking it. It is certainly an adjustment and I am learning new things every day. I go from reviewing Idaho community property cases to drafting a boat dock agreement in the same day. The people that I work with have been patient with me thus far and for that I am grateful. Chris is still really enjoying his work. He is also challenged everyday, which I think makes him happy. So our Boise careers are off to a good start.

The past few weeks have been jam packed. First, we attended Jaialdi, which is a big Basque festival that comes to Boise every five years. Boise apparently has one of the biggest Basque populations in the world outside of the Basque region in Spain so it is a pretty cool thing to have the Basque festival hear in town. Chris and I ate some chorizos and croquetas and enjoyed some beer on the Basque block before heading to the Basque sports competition night. Sports night was a showing of traditional Basque sports. Some were more entertaining, like the hail bail lifting where the guys were thrust into the air about 20 feet and others were less entertaining like the stick relay race where guys put a bunch a sticks on the ground one at a time and then picked them up one at a time. Overall, it was a great night and so much fun to be able to do on a weeknight. I actually have a weeknight life (most nights) and I am loving it!

After enjoying the Basque festival we headed to McCall for the weekend to spend it relaxing with my Dad and Robin before lawyerdom kicked in again. We ate at some of McCall's best places including brunch at Shore Lodge and a great dinner at the Jug Mountain Ranch Clubhouse(picture taken from our table on Chris' phone below). Both were delicious and were responsible, at least in part, to my pants fitting a bit more tightly these days. We also fished, took a scenic drive, and sat around the fire one night. It was a perfect weekend. Thanks Dad and Robin for letting us crash the end of your vacation!

We also celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on August 5th. I was remarking to someone that I cannot believe that it has been 4 years and then she said but in other senses doesn't it feel like you have been married forever? It is true, I have known Chris for 10 years and been married for 4. It does seem like he has been a part of my life forever and I am thankful for my wonderful husband every day.

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