January 9, 2016

Thanksgiving 2015

Having just returned from our trip (more on that to come), we were thrilled to have a low key Thanksgiving at home with the boys.   The day was beautiful with sun shining and a little skiff of snow on the ground, it couldn't have been a prettier day.  We enjoyed a nice walk, Chris took Grady "swimming" in the hot tub, and then my mom came over for the feast.  Can you believe we made this much food 3 adults and 2 little ones?! Well, Graham is a big eater so maybe it was just about right. :)

We have so very much to be thankful for.  Time is flying by and I know I don't take enough time to sit back and reflect on how blessed we really are so this really was a nice day to really enjoy time as a family. Thanksgiving is special for us because it was four years ago on Thanksgiving day that we found out that we would become a family.   Little did we know  how our lives would change with the little fireball called Grady entering our lives 8 months later. 4 years later we'd be sitting at at table with our two sweet Gs feeling fulfilled and so very very blessed.

I am such a sucker for boys in hats and red cheeks.

"Hey guys, can I just get one picture with both my boys?". . . I guess not.

Our boys LOVE thanksgiving food.  

Little sneaker stinker. . . . 

The day after Thanksgiving Grady had the highest fever we've ever seen him with.  It was the saddest little thing I've ever seen.  Chris took him outside in the freezing temperatures to try to bring his fever down.  Poor bud.

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