December 24, 2015

Graham at 1!

Graham turned 1 - a while ago, but let's just be thankful that this post is getting up while he is still actually one!

I decided that I LOVE having a kid with an October birthday. Not only is it my favorite time of year, it is pretty fun and easy to throw a Halloween themed birthday party.  We'll see how long he'll let me decide what his party them is.  In any event, we loved having so many friends and family come over to play and help celebrate our sweet little Graham monster.    Graham mostly just loved his cake smash.   We love this little one year old and had so much fun celebrating him!

Graham tid bits at one!!!:
  • He is of average height and weight with a huge head (98%). 
  • He is not in a hurry to walk, but rather enjoys speed crawling around the house. At 14 months he is taking 8-10 steps at a time.
  • He thinks Bella is his personal walker and latches on to her fur when thrusting himself from the couch to wherever Bella happens to be. 
  • He has THE BEST smile.  I know I am his mom and so I have to say that, but this kid really does light up a room and makes friends with every waitress, store clerk or passerby.   
  • He is a hungry little man.  He eats two dinners a night, probably twice as much as Grady in any given meal, and still wakes up hungry at night sometimes.
  • He's got eight teeth and getting his two top molars (good times!).  We often get comments on his toothy smile.
  • He loves nothing more than making a break for Bella's water bowls and attempting a good swim in them. 
  • He puts up with a bossy, rough big brother pretty well.  He's even started to strike back at a little (we may or may not cheer him on when he does).
  • He's got a few words.  Notably, he has learned to identify and say "cheese" before "mommy", at least I know we love the same things. 
  • At one he starting sleeping through the night - bout time boy! 
  • He loves dirt.  If left alone anywhere near dirt he ends up with a face covered in dirty and sand between his teeth. 
  • He loves clapping and playing music. 
  • He is a climber!  Stairs, boxes, bunkbed ladder our fireplace, if there is something to climb onto, this boy is on it.
  • He is sneaky and fast!  He can get away from us so fast leaving Chris and I both asking "where's the baby!?!" frequently.
  • He loves his baths and will splash in them for as long as we'll let him.
  • He loves Grady so much.  Wherever Grady is, Graham wants to be, much to Grady's frustration sometimes.
  • He may not say momma, but he is a momma's boy through and through.   If he is awake when I am getting ready he is at my feet the whole time. (see below where I am drying my hair, his face cracks me up).
  • He makes diaper changes an Olympic event, rolling everywhere he can.  It astounds me that I cannot better control him!
  • He loves brushing his teeth.
  • He wants to be a big kid, but I am desperate to keep him a baby.
  • He has the sweetest most wonderful disposition.  He makes life better every single day.  
We love our Graham more than words can say and thank God every day for the gift he has given to us!

More cake for the win!

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