July 21, 2013

Greenwoods visit!

The Greenwoods came to visit us all the way back in the middle of June.  We were their first stop on the "Tour de Northwest." For me, the best thing about the Greenwoods coming was to just get some one-on-one time with one of our favorite families.  Our friend group from college is pretty good about getting together, but often times those gatherings are so big that I leave feeling like I didn't really get to hang out with any one person much at all.  It was awesome to get so much time time with Sean, Stacy and their darling Landon.   Thanks you so much for coming to visit us guys!

While they were here, we enjoyed A LOT of time outside.  It was one of the 100 degree plus weekends in Boise so we also spent a lot of time in the pool, which was officially completed the week the Greenwoods arrived.  Perfect timing!

Landon is not only one of the most darling little boys I have met, he is also one of the most fun.  He is a little athlete and loved being tossed in the air and jumping from the side of the pool.  Such a fun, fun boy!

Grady showed off his wobbly drunken sailor walk for his Auntie Stace.  Looking back at these pictures makes me realize just how quickly our little G is changing.  I loved that they were here to see some of his first significant steps. 

We enjoyed Boise's LONG and HOT summer nights with drawn out dinners after the kiddos were in bed with lots of laughs and good conversations, it was heaven for me. 

The boys were fast friends and Grady did everything he could to keep up with Landon, including refusing to take naps for fear of missing out on something cool that Landon might do.

We took a trip to the zoo and saw a lot of hot, very sleepy animals and some rather scary dinosaurs.

Grady went on his first slide and I went on my first slide in probably 20 years. If I am being honest, I will admit that we both enjoyed it. 

Grady continued to obsess over the petting goats at the zoo,.  I swear he'd stay for ours if we let him. 

We got all dressed up for the rodeo where we saw some rather not so sleepy animals and some rather brave little mutton busters.  I told them they should bring Landon back next year.


We celebrated the fact that Grady and Landon have amazing dads and Stacy and I have amazing husbands. These boys, all four of them, are pretty spectacular.  We had a great father's day brunch out followed by an impromptu photo session by the river. 

Thank you  so much Greenwoods for coming back to our town!  We are so grateful for our time together!

(Because it has taken me so long to get my act together, Stacy posted about their trip long ago and did a way better job than I ever could summarizing their time here.  Many of these pictures are hers, because she also takes way better pictures than I ever could!)

1 comment:

  1. Such a great visit. I lol'd when I saw "Sean?" On the wine glass! Love you guys!
