May 30, 2013

Zoo Boise

Just a quick little update to inform the world of news that I am sure they are on pins and needles waiting to hear.  We are the latest proud members of Zoo Boise and took Grady on his inaugural trip there with our new friends from swim class and their absolutely darling daughter.   For the size of our city, the zoo really is pretty awesome.  I think we'll be spending some time there this summer!

Very seriously contemplating what the zoo will be like. 

Was pretty impressed that we had three lions. 

 My favorite chewing on some bark. 

Is it bad that I relate all my zoo experiences to the Lion King?

Just hanging with a cat. 

Grady's favorite part was petting the goats.  He cried when I finally had to remove him so that we could continue our visit. 

The monkeys said goodbye by taking the monkey bars across the skyway above us. 

And then we were off to North Carolina, where we had the best weekend with my sister and her family.  I could die over cuteness in seeing the three boys together and of course have many pics to share, but those will have to wait for another day.

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