March 3, 2013

Grady: 7 months!

Grady Monster is 7 months old and keeping us very busy!

Grady Tid Bits at 7 Months:
  • He is fairly lengthy, fairly skinny, and has an average head.  At his 6 month check-up on February 15th (if you are counting, yes, that is more like 6.5 months), he was 27.5 inches long (72%), weighed 16.8 lbs. (30%),  and had a head circumference of 17.2 (50%).  
  • Since his Dr. appointment, Grady has been gobbling food and put on the pound to prove it, he now weighs a very hefty, 17.4 lbs. based on our scale.
  • I proudly can announce that we have a sitter.  Grady loves to sit and look at/chew on books, play with toys, and watch the world around him. It has made a big difference in his ability to "play" by himself.
  • Grady refuses to use his arms to tripod himself while sitting which means he sits really tall and falls pretty hard when he loses his balance. 
  • The kid could eat oatmeal until the cows come home.  This week, he has plowed through three servings at breakfast each day like it is nothing. 
  • He likes to put his fingers down from his highchair for Miss Bella to lick.  We pull his hands up and tell him No and not so politely move Bella away.  Now, he'll look right at us, give a grin and lean down to offer his fingers to Bella.  The way he looks at us makes me know that he knows it's wrong, but it doesn't stop the little bugger. 
  • He still loves to be swaddled to sleep (don't judge us, we are working on it and would gladly accept tips).
  • He scoots backwards much better than forwards. It is frustrating for him to reach for a toy in front of him and attempt to move forward to get it only to result in him pushing himself further and further way. 
  • He does lots of baby push ups and planks, which result in lots of face plants and screams of frustration.   
  • Rolling is now a primary mode of transportation.  Although he cannot yet crawl, this kid is on the move and these parents are not really ready for that!
  • We get lots of comments on him having big hands.  I don't know if they are really big, but he has solid hands and a death grip on hair and spoons.  You think I could wrestle a spoon away from a 7 month old, not true. 
  • He loves physical play.  Giggles erupt wildly if you swing him from side to side, "toss" him in the air, or pretend to drop him.
  • Lately, people continually remark how much he is starting to look like Chris. I tend to agree.
  • After weeks  months of thinking Grady was getting a tooth, his first one finally broke through this week.  We are still waiting on the hair :)

I needed to wash my hands and didn't have anywhere to put him so I stuck him in our sink and snapped this picture.   I cannot believe how much he fills it out. 

Planking yoga baby.

Our new home decor. 

We usually give G buddy a bath at night, but last weekend I thought a morning bath was a good idea and was so happy we did it because these are some of my new favorites of our little man in the morning light. 

And now for some classic Grady faces:

Grady can stare you down like you wouldn't believe. 

Happy face

I don't know if I am scared or happy, but I know that I am drooling face.

Mouth breather face, probably the most frequently pictured face. 

What you lookin' at face. 

Grady monster welcomed 4 new monster friends to his room this week (pretty cute for $3.00 at the grocery store if you ask me).  You are a little monster some days, Grady, but we love our little monster so so much!

Thank you for making every day a good day for us!  


  1. I would still swaddle Clara if she let me! Grady looks so cute in the little monster picture. Your mamarazzi skills are impressive.

  2. I love this last picture, he looks like he is explaining something very important to you. Sweet Grandson.

  3. Adorable! That drool face is the best! Can't wait to meet him in person. It's so fun to see their little personalities coming out.
