My mom has been desperate to see an ultrasound of the baby so she signed up for a 3D ultrasound to meet her third grandson. Although he is usually a mover and shaker, our little man was very calm the entire time with his hands by his face (much to the displeasure of my mom and the ultrasound tech). Despite the ultrasound tech jiggling my belly and my mom trying to "talk" to the baby, he was content to just chill while his semi alien-looking photos were taken. I don't know that I would ever sign up for this on my own, but I was glad that my mom got to see what she's been waiting for. Meet baby Johnson in 3D!
He appears to have abnormally large hands and a mischievous little grin already.
He also expressed his boredom in the womb with this nice yawn. Either that or he is trying to eat his giant hand.
He appears to have abnormally large hands and a mischievous little grin already.
He also expressed his boredom in the womb with this nice yawn. Either that or he is trying to eat his giant hand.
Everytime the ultrasound "sensor" was moved, a new blob would appear . . .like it wasn't fast enough to catch up to the new picture. . .We would all go, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh,Sweettttttttttttttt!", then suddenly "Oh. . . something happened. . .he know looks alien :-) But it was fun and I was talking right on Ali's belly so I know he heard me singing "Baby,Baby, Bay-Bee! from a 60's song! He is snug as a bug in a rug! And loves his fingers, which usually makes for a more content baby. But just amazing to finally see Baby ?? "Whose Name shall know be said", so I call him "Alphabet Soup" for now! Love that baby and his mom and dad;-)