August 14, 2011

Remembering Buffie

There are some people who seem like they will live forever, invisible to our human mortality.  Buffie, Chris' grandma, was one of those people.  She was full of life at age 94 and smart as a whip. Just a few months ago we were playing golf with her and joking about Kim and Eric's youthful escapades. We were all a little shocked to hear of Buffie's passing last week.  Even though she was 94 and had recently gone through hip replacement surgery, it seemed unbelievable that she'd passed on. Once the shock wore off, Chris and I both realized that Buffie's funeral really would be a celebration of a life incredibly well lived.  And that is what we did this weekend, we celebrated a woman who has so many traits that I hope find their way into our children one day.

Buffie was born at only three pounds.  Without all of the fancy medical equipment that we have today, the hospital literally wrapped her in blankets and put her in the oven to keep her warm.  This beginning no doubt helped make Buffie into the incredibly independent and tenacious woman that we all knew.  I admittedly was a little scared to meet Buffie the first time because whenever her name was mentioned people sat up and took notice.  There was something unspoken about Buffie that made me realize that not only was she incredibly important to the family, she was a fixture in the community in Walla Walla. She did not have an overbearing personality, but she did carry with her a quiet confidence and grace that made everyone take notice.  She was fiercely loyal and put nothing above her children.  She overcame her fair share of life's challenges and triumphed through it all becoming a successful business woman and the head of her own household.

After reminscing about Buffie this weekend, it dawned on me how much of Buffie Christopher has in him.  She was an artist from a very young age, she had a love for golf and natural athletic ability, she never dominated a conversation but often had the one comment that could get a laugh out of everyone, she made up her mind about what she wanted and was comfortable in making decisions even if she knew not everyone would be happy with them, she loved the outdoors, she loved dogs, and her legs could have doubled for those of a supermodel (I often find myself in awe of the length of Chris' legs)... I could go on and on.  It is clear that Buffie not only had a big effect on our extended family and her community, she is in my husband and had a profound effect on who he became as a man.

I am not fearful that Buffie will ever be forgotten because just as people have done in the past, I am sure that they will sit up and take notice whenever Buffie's name is mentioned in the future and I am sure it will be mentioned often. We are both so grateful to have had such an incredible woman in our family.  Her legacy will no doubt survive beyond the years that she walked this earth.   We love you Buffie, you will always be remembered.

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