October 31, 2012

Grady: 3 months

I cannot believe that we have a 3 month old. We love our Grady so much. Every day is a new day with him and seems to result in some new learned behavior.  I have one more month at home with this little guy and I am going to treasure every minute of it - even the moments when I get doused in spit up by a screaming child :).

Three Month Grady Tid Bits:
  • He weighs in at 12.8 pounds on our home scale and appears to finally be bulking up a little bit.
  • People often rub his little fuzzy head and comment on how soft it is.
  • He still LOVES his baths! The kid could sit in there like a soggy raisin for hours if we let him.
  • He cannot yet put things up to his mouth other than his hands, but he loves to suck on a carseat strap, washcloth, Baby Bjorn, or blanket if any happen to get in the vicinity of his mouth.
  • He is starting to get peek-a-boo and other simple games.  Just in the past couple of days, we have been able to get a laugh out of him when ducking down below his changing table, giving zerberts (what my family has always called it when you blow on a baby's belly), or pulling a shirt over his head.
  • Before he laughed at little games, his startle reflex was on high sensitivity and any unexpected action would result in arms flailing above his head, wide eyes, and a scream on about a 5 second delay.
  • He is not the most "talkative" baby I've seen, but in the last week he has really started to coo back at us more when we talk to him.  "Ah-goo" is his word of choice.
  • He sticks his tongue out all.the.time.
  • He can now follow us around a room with his eyes.  He has started to notice Miss Bella too.
  • He goes from happy to screaming without warning in about 3 seconds flat if he gets overtired or overhungry. Staying ahead of those two things is our mission of first priority.  Some days are better than others. 
  • He loves being bounced on our exercise ball (at least someone uses it).
  • He is still a rockstar sleeper.  Naps are not his specialty, but since he was six weeks old, he has consistently slept 11-12 hours at night.  Bless his little soul.  Doubt this will last through teething.
  • When he wakes up in the morning he rarely cries to let us know he is awake and instead just starts rolling around and looking around his room with wide eyes and smiles.  Thank goodness for video monitors.
  • When lefty dad puts him down to sleep the "wrong way" he still turns himself 180 degrees in his crib.
  • He shows excitement by breathing in an out through his nose really fast coupled with the occasional snort.  Probably only a mother could think it is adorable, but I do.
 And now for his 3 month picture download:

He grew in to his Giants pajamas just in time for the World Series! 

This is Grady's other little girlfriend Kennedy.  She is one month older and is the smiliest thing ever. 

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