October 12, 2012

Official Stats: 2 months

Our big (little guy) had his 2 month check up today and as suspected he is long and lean like his dad.

His official stats:

Height: 24 Inches (70th percentile)
Weight: 11 pounds 8 ounces (14th percentile)
Head Circumference: 39.75 (51st percentile)
Although his height to weight ratio is a little off, the Dr. was not too concerned, which eased my mind a bit since I had the feeling that this little dude was on the skinny side.

When the nurse walked in with the tray of shots I thought to myself, some days it sucks to be a baby.  Grady drank his liquid vaccine like it was candy and he only cried when he was actually getting his shots and stopped crying before I even picked him up.  Not bad Grady, not bad at all.

Pretty happy for having just gotten his shots.
He did spend the rest of the day being cuddled and I didn't mind a bit.  I love his little pouty lower lip when he is in a deep sleep.


  1. What a cutie! Can't wait to meet this little guy :)

  2. Don't worry--Maddi was always a skinny baby and still is! I wish I wouldn't have worried about it so much back then. :)
