December 30, 2012

First Christmas

Grady sitting in his gift from Santa.

The week of Christmas flew by with lightening speed.   We celebrated three times over with my dad, my mom, and our little family of four.  It went a little like this:

We watched a lot of football and Bella and Grady were both subjected to wearing their Bronco attire one last time.  The little outfit that Grady was swimming in just months ago wouldn't even snap! 

We spent a day celebrating with my dad and Robin, stepbrother, and all the kids, including my dad's youngest kid Shada, the dog who destroyed all of her Christmas toys in a matter of seconds.

Grady's got loved on by both of his cousins. I see a future babysitter in this one, she is quite the baby whisperer.

We had a very special visit with Grady's Great Grandma Jean.  It is a big deal for her to travel down to Boise and we were so grateful to be able to spend part of Christmas Eve afternoon with her.  What a lucky boy to get some loving by his sweet sweet Great Grandma. 

We attended church and Grady put on his best church behavior yet (phew!) sleeping through most of the service, but waking up to stare at all the candles during the traditional final song of our church service, Silent Night. 

We then had a great Christmas dinner complete with new cocktail recipes (thanks Whitfields!).   

Christmas morning was spent unstuffing stockings, stuffing our faces, unwrapping gifts, finding out how impossibly difficult it is to remove children's toys from their packaging, playing with new toys, a crisp walk, and just a wonderful day of nothing. 

Grady loved ripping the paper.

My cute little bear.
Meeting the reindeer.

Wearing the last outfit that we used to tell our parents we were pregnant last year.
Somebody is good in the toy category for awhile!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a great holiday! A relaxing dinner while Grady catnapped, a frenzied unwrapping of gifts where Grady loved the big ribbons, colorful ripping wrappings, and actually loved his own presents;-) then off to bed . . . His first Christmas Eve over;-) and what a year he has ahead: sitting up, crawling, standing, walking and talking! Watch out Mom and Dad. . . You thought Bella got into "stuff?" Here comes an amazing year for all;-)
