April 21, 2014

"Happy Easer"

We had a wonderful Easter weekend filled with lots of family gatherings, sunshine, and time together.  This was the first holiday where Grady got it, kind of.  He actually picked up Easter Eggs and would say "Happy Easer" and "Easer Bunny." He is at his happiest when he gets to play outside so I am thrilled that our spring has officially arrived.  Hope your Easter was equally wonderful.

I told Grady he was a cool dude.  He looked at me in my sunglasses and told me "Mommy, cool dude!"

Not much makes me happier than spring flowers. 

While I attended a party Chris and Grady got their first dip in.  Ahhh summer, we cannot wait for you.

 This little pup turned 5 this month!  5!  We love our Bels. 

The rare, sought after "cheese".   I can only get it when he strapped in apparently. 

Grady has a little trouble getting the concept of hunting for eggs until we showed him what was inside.  Then the egg hunt turned into, "Open please, one more jellyee bean."  If we turned him down, things did not go well. Lets just say he was one sugared boy.

I love that Grady's older cousins (my stepbrother's kids) love Grady so much.  We didn't have to watch or entertain him the whole time we were at my dad and Robin's house.  I also cannot believe how big these kids are getting.  Here is Brad at almost 6 feet taking Grady for his first ride. "More skateboard please!"

Good looking kids. 

First red cheeks of the year and cuddles with Dad when we got home from our first Easter celebration. Have I ever said how much I love his red cheeks. 

The Easter Bunny came!
 The biggest hit of Easter, a spiderman spin toothbrush.  I guess it is a good thing given his sugar consumption over the weekend.

Brunch with the little cousins (and Doug and Elizabeth and Aunt Julie and Uncle Steve). I love this picture of the kids.

Two little boys in trouble for throwing sand. 

 Back to our house for Easter dinner and birthday celebrations with my mom.  I am proud to say these are all from my garden. 

Doing his walk about with Amma pointing out the birdhouse. 

 This kid is obsessed with his daddy mowing the lawn and the leaf blower. He wakes up every morning talking about it. "Daddy lawn mower, (insert sound effect here), daddy lawn mower off, leaf blower, (insert sound effect here), daddy lawn mower away, yah!"

What a wonderfully packed weekend it was. 

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